Raspberry Rants

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With a fruit's juiciness and raspberry's endless rants, I, Polly, am here to provide you with numerous rants comprising of my writing life and the current month- October.

The month of October is finally here! School has probably started for everyone, which sucks. My everyday mantra for waking up is- 'Why has summer ended?' and I am literally in a bad mood every morning when I wake up for school.

The air has gotten pretty cold and maybe I have caught a cold too. My sneezes just do not stop. Well, it was expected, what do you expect from a girl who loves to drink cold water and juices and a whole tub of icecream each month?

Winter is finally creeping in and the chilly vibe can be felt. The best part about winter is snuggling with our warm blankets and pets with a delicious cup of hot chocolate. <3

Speaking of October, on the fifth, it is International World Teacher's Day! Me, being a teacher's pet, am very excited to give all the teachers at my school a treat. Are you going to give them anything?

And the main event of October! Halloween! How can we forget that?

I am a huge fan of Halloween. Even though, my costumes are ridiculous. Last year, I think I dressed up as a ghost. All I did was make two holes for eyes and one hole for a mouth on a white blanket. Everyone was laughing so hard, I never felt so embarrassed. Okay, maybe I did. But I am glad I bought a smile to everyone's face! Making someone laugh feels so good, don't you think?

I wonder what I should become this year? Maybe a lollipop or a pumpkin... I don't know, I will think about it later. For now, I have to deal with my exams.

Holy crap, exams! How can I forget exams! I can't believe that as soon as school started, exams started too.

School, when will you give us time to breath? Okay, maybe you did give us time to breath all through summer. But isn't that such a short time? Okay, maybe it was not, but didn't the summer pass by really quick? Don't you think? Right?

Okay, well maybe I am making excuses. I just wish that school started but not exams, lol.

But really, ever since school and exams have started, I am not able to concentrate on my writing and I fear my readers will elope. I hope that does not happen.

Finding time to write between school, exams and in general is getting harder and harder.

I really hope the exam month, October soon ends so that I can get back to my laid back life! I really miss those days when I did not have to worry about school.

I wish everyone luck starting your school and doing well on your exams! Enjoy Halloween and Teacher's Day. Wish you a very happy winter! See you the next month. c:

- Polly

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