Writers Cravings

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We all like to have snacks by our sides that are easy to access when we sit at our computers, right? This month, I will be introducing the top 5 snacks that are easy to make, easy to eat, and easy to fall in love with.

1). First up, we have Sweet + Spicy Popcorn Delight. Everybody loves popcorn, right? The satisfying crunch when you bite into it and the light weight feeling of picking a piece out of the bowl. I have never met anyone in my life who has denied enjoying the simple snack that is popcorn.

Now, we all like to put our own mixes into play when it comes to popcorn. Butter, salt, marshmallows, and many more delicious ingredients. If you're a fan of sweet flavors and spicy tastes, then this recipe is definitely one for you.


*1 bag of popcorn

*1/2 cup of milk chocolate chips

*1 teaspoon of Cayenne Pepper (ground)

*1 teaspoon of Garlic Powder (optional)

*1/3 cup of caramel (optional)


Start by popping the bag of popcorn in the microwave until it is fully done. Once the bag has cooled down, pour the popcorn into a mixing bowl and set it aside.

Heat up the milk chocolate chips for 30 seconds, checking every 10 seconds to make sure it isn't burning. Stir until the chocolate is smooth and pour onto the popcorn, and then mix until the popcorn is well coated.

If you wish to add a salty flavor to your snack, then sprinkle the teaspoon of garlic powder over the popcorn mix, and blend it in to your satisfaction.

For spice, sprinkle the teaspoon of ground cayenne pepper into the popcorn mix. Be sure to mix the ingredient in evenly and completely.

Lastly, for those who want to add an extra sweetness, melt the caramel for 30 seconds in the microwave (checking every 10 seconds). Stir the caramel until smooth and drizzle it over the popcorn mixture.

This easy-to-make popcorn snack will quickly become a favorite for writers and their families everywhere. With its sweet tasting chocolate and its spicy hint of pepper, this Sweet + Spicy Popcorn Delight will woo the hearts of every writer and reader it comes in contact with.


2). Next up on the list is a combination of two simple recipes to enjoy together. Since it's October, lets get in the mood of spooky, fun Halloween! These Cheesy Cheddar Cobwebs combined with Chunky Mystery Spread will definitely hook writers to create a story dedicated to the deliciousness of this snack.

Ingredients: Cheesy Cheddar Cobwebs

*1 cup of grated yellow cheddar or 1 cup of shredded yellow cheddar

*2 teaspoons of all-purpose flour

*1/2 teaspoon of paprika

*coarse salt and ground pepper


Preheat your oven to 375. In a medium bowl, toss the cheddar with flour, paprika, teaspoon of salt, and 1/8 teaspoon of ground pepper. Drop the mixture by tablespoons on a foil-lined or parchment-lined baking sheet and flatten into 3-inch rounds.

Bake until they are golden and bubbling slightly (about 10-12 minutes), and check every five minutes so they don't burn. Once done, use a thin spatula to transfer the snacks onto a plate to cool for a minute.

Cherry Pop Magazine || Issue I || OctoberWhere stories live. Discover now