Juicy Gossip

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Let's start with a pledge shall we? You all summonly swear not to pelt me tomatoes about what you read because hey I'm not a big fan of tomatoes and I'm just here to have fun like the lot of you.

Now that we have cleared that out of our way let's get crushing some fruits so that we can make what is called the great recipe of Juicy gossip. This isn't the recipe section though so if that is what you have come here for you are sadly going to have to look for it.

Now I have a question for you, do you think that Demi Lovato and Selena Gomez still talk after all the drama that happened that caused the duo to stop hanging out? They were the best of friends if you remember but had all those problems created causing the situation to get a little bit sticky. When asked in an interview if Demi still talked to Selena Gomez her response was a bit heart breaking when she replied "Nope." She went on Twitter though to clarify that a lot can change between the few months from when the interview is taken and when it is published. Just recently the two friends took to instagram to post a cute picture together. Captioned #SameoldLove and more.

Did you recently hear what was in the headlines for a while? They found water on mars! Great. It's salty liquid though not good for drinking sorry. Martians are going to be pretty disappointed. People believed that NASA actually knew about this but were holding back until they got the perfect moment to release their research.

You guys know the whole Kylie, Tyga young love and all that. Well just recently they were pictured together on the same table eating out not talking and bored at hell. They both seemed to be on their phones not talking at all and the picture that were taken showed them doing what looked like yawning. Is the relationship getting boring or what? Do you think it will last let me know in the comments.

Speaking of the kardashians it seems Kim and Kanye's little bundle of joy will be born on december 25,2015. It's not an exact date but it's likely. Thoughts on this? Let me know!

Resources - http://www.tmz.com/?adid=TMZ_Web_Nav_Logo http://perezhilton.com/

Thanks for checking this out SEE YOU NEXT MONTH <3

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