Gundabad and Dale

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I followed Legolas and Tauriel has they ran up a small rocky hill. We knelt down and I looked at the rusty tower. Legolas was saying something to Taurie, I was not listening. My eyes were searching the tower.
"My mother died there." I turned to Legolas. His blue eyes were filled with a deep sadness.
"My father doesn't talk about. There is no grave, no memory." I gently placed my hand on his shoulder. He looked at me. Tears formed in my eyes, but I carefully kept them back. Tauriel then said
"Look a light!" We all looked at the tower. A light flicked in the high window, then vanished. Suddenly giant bats appeared and flew around.  I quickly pulled myself close to the rock shelve. Legolas said gently
"These bats are breed for one purpose." Tauriel looked at him, but I slowly replied
"For war." We were silent until I cried out
"Legolas! Bolg!" Legolas turned and saw the huge Orc marching out of Gundabad. I gasped. A huge army was following him.
"Legolas?" Legolas stood up and turned to us, saying
"We must warm the others. Come!" Tauriel got up behind Legolas and I jumped up onto my horse. One small kick and the horses galloped towards Lake Town.

After a hard gallop, Legolas was leading the way. He suddenly stopped. I reined up next to him and gasped. The whole valley in front of the Lonely Mountain, was covered with orcs, men, elves and dwarves fighting.
"What has happened?" I whispered. Legolas turned to me and replied
"The fight for the mountain has began." Then he galloped towards the ruins of Dale.

Tauriel and I fired arrow after arrow at the orcs. As I needed both hands for shooting, I was controlling the horse with my knees. Legolas reined into front of an old man. The old man was dressed in grey. Gandalf! I had met him before. He was a friendly wizard. Legolas jumped off the horse and ran up to him.
"Legolas Greenleaf!" Gandalf exclaimed.
"Gandalf...." He went on to tell Gandalf about the army. Gandalf was saying that the dwarves were heading up to Raven Hill, were Bolg's army was going. I watched Tauriel's face. She looked horrified, and turned to look at the hill. The. She disappeared. I quickly followed her.
A horn sounded, an elven horn. I found Tauriel, her bow loaded pointing it at the elven king.
"The dwarves will die!" Thranduil gave a smile and replied
"Yes they will die. Day, tomorrow, in hundred years." I didn't caught the rest and Tauriel replied
"There is no love in you." Thranduil's face darkened and he swung his sword. Tauriel's bow broke into two. I step up and pulled out my daggers. Thranduil pointed his sword at my chest and turned to Tauriel.
"If this is love, than will you die for it? Will you watch others die for it?" I waited for the blow,but Legolas pushed his father's sword out of the way.
"If you harm her, then you will have to kill me." What? Legolas didn't just say that! He turned to me and gently touched my cheek, then turned to Tauriel.
"I will come with you." I followed them, not looking back.

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