Chapter Three

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(A/N) Lots of POV switch, get ready.

~Jacob's POV





He just.Cut me off. Stole her. How rude.

I'm starting to think Jayden's feelin' for Aliyah.

Nigga better back off.

I waited for them to finish talking, and opened my mouth to ask her to be my choir project, when the bell for lunch rang.

Dear bad timing, kill yo'self.

I walked to my locker, and threw my stuff in it before closing it and catching up with Roc.

"What up bro?" I said giving him dap.

"I don't even know, man. Kaylan been actin' up foreal lately."

"Really? Damn, maybe she just wants attention."

"You think so?"

"Yeah, I think. Take her out to eat or some shit."

"You right. Good lookin' out."

We got in line for the cafeteria food.

I usually don't eat the Cafe food, but I was starving, and didn't have time to go out to McDonalds or anything.

Lunch was awkwardly silent.

Neither Ray Ray or Dana was there, and Roc and Kaylan stayed muggin' each other.

"So... anything special going on this week?" Aliyah said, trying to break the ice.

We all stayed silent.

Kaylan got angry, and got up to leave.

But right before she did, she leaned in Roc's face, and spat loud enough for everyone to hear;

"Happy. Aniversary."

Everybody gasped.

"Dayuuuuum!" Prodigy sang, shocked.

She sashayed away, leaving everybody's jaw down to the floor, including Roc.

Aliyah waited until Kaylan was out of earshot, then yelled, " How do you forget your fucking aniversary!"

"I swore it was next week!" He said back.

Everyone groan, and facepalmed.

"Good luck." I said before going to throw away my food.

~Kaylan's POV

I can't believe he forgot.

I mean, we haven't been on good terms for a while, but to not aknowledge our aniversary?

That's fucking shady.

I walked to my car, and got a call from Mr.Don'tGiveAFuck himself.

"What do you want." I spat.

"I wanna apologize."

"Apologize? Chres, I don't know what happened between us. We were perfect! My whole life revolved around your conceited ass,and you neglected it!"

"Technically, you screwed up when-"

"EXCUSE YOU?" He did NOT just try to accuse me.

"Are you foreal arguing with me?"

"You know what? I'm not gonna argue. I'm done." I said, trying to calm down.

"No! You're gonna listen to me, Kaylan!"

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