Chapter Thirty-Seven

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~Kaylan's POV


"Oh my God." I say, my voice shaking. I can feel my heart thump as I come to the realization that could possibly destroy my life.

"What?" I look at Tia, and gulp hard.

"I know who it was." 
(End of Recap)

She gives me a confused look. 

"What do you mean you know?" 

I sigh, and repeat myself. 


"Keep your voice down!" I whisper-yell, looking around to see if Tia's outburst gained any attention.

"So like, did you know it was going to happen?!" 

"Of course not, why would I let them do that to LaShae if I knew if was going to happen? Can you not be a dumbass right now?"

"I'm the dumbass? You're the one making friends with convicts." Tia spits. As much as I hate to admit it, she's right. "How do you know them anyway?" 

Oh no. If Tia finds out Will and I were a thing, she'd go straight to my parents and run her mouth. 

They would NEVER forgive me. I could feel my heartbeat in my throat as I thought about it. I knew what I had to do.

"It's a long story, alright? Look, I gotta go take care of some business. If LaShae wakes up, give me a call."

"Ok. I love you, Kay." Tia says as she hugs me.

"I love you too." I reply. I open LaShae's door, and wave Roc over. 

I'm about to put some criminals behind bars, for good.

Don't fuck with me or my family. Ever.

~Aliyah's POV

"Alright, my turn." Ray Ray says. For the past half-hour, we've been sharing embarrassing but funny confessions, anywhere from farting, to pranking each other in their sleep. Well, everyone except Yasmine and Jayden. Yasmine's been on her phone, and lord knows where Jayden is. That 5% chance of things going back to normal actually worked. Who knew? 

"One time at summer camp, I took Roc's favorite pair of Looney Tunes boxers," he tries hard to continue, although he's already crying from laughter. "And I threw them in the campfire without him knowing."

"THAT WAS YOU?" Jacob exclaims before bursting into laughter. Ray Ray nods, and they dap.

"So the next day, he wouldn't let any of us leave our room until he knew what happened to his drawers, so we told him one of the girls took em."

"Yo, I remember that!" Prodigy says. "We were...eleven?" 

"Yeah. Man, those were some good times." Ray ray sighs.

"Alright, Yasmine. You go." Emerald orders.

"Pass." She says without looking up from her phone.

"Oh, whatever. I know you have somethin'." Dana smirks.

"I really don't." I raise an eyebrow, although she can't see me since her eyes are glued to her iPhone screen. I think about smacking it out of her hands, but Dana beats me to it.

"What the hell?!" 

"Confession, now. Go." Dana shoots.


"If you didn't have a confession, then why the hell did you come?!"

"I already said all of mine! Jesus! Where's my phone?" 

"Up your ass." I spit before thinking. Oh,no.

"You shut up."

"Gladly." I smile. I can feel Jacob looking at me, but I don't care.

"Actually, yeah. I do have a confession." She turns to Dana. 

"I heard Emerald and Ray Ray talking, and by the sounds of it, your 'man' isn't so faithful." 


"HOLD THE FUCK UP." Emerald jumps up from her seat on the couch. Dana just stands there with a shocked expression on her face.

"Dana, do not listen to her. It is NOT what it sounds like." Ray Ray says, holding Dana by her shoulders. She's frozen, barely blinking. 

"You wanted another confession, there you go." She grins, and something inside me just tells me to choke her. For taking my note, for ruining the lives of those around me, for making my life a living hell.

Choke her!

I leap from my seat and tackle Yasmine to the floor, and grip her by her hair. She screeches, and I punch her right in her nose. I hope it's broken.

Before I can cause the desired damage to her face, Jacob pulls me off of her.

"We're leaving." he says, and pulls me to the door.

"What the hell was that?!" He says as soon as we reach his car.

"I gave her what she deserved." I say calmly.

"It was uncalled for."

"Oh, but your ten-thousand fights with Prodigy were called for." I say sarcastically.

"That's different."

"HOW?" I put my seat belt on and slump in my seat.

He doesn't answer, just turns the radio on. We ride home in silence as Kid Ink's Show Me blares out of his speakers. I guess we won't be finishing what we started in the bathroom.

~Dana's POV

"Actually, yeah. I do have a confession." Yasmine says, an evil smirk plastered across her face. "I heard Emerald and Ray Ray talking, and by the sounds of it, your 'man' isn't so faithful."

Wait, what?

"HOLD THE FUCK UP." Emerald jumps up from her seat on the couch.

I can't process what I just heard. I know it's not what I think. There's no way Emerald and Ray Ray did anything. I refuse to believe it.

"Dana, do not listen to her. It is NOT what it sounds like." Ray Ray says, looking me in my eyes as he holds me by my shoulders. I don't see him. I can't see anything, really. 

 "You wanted another confession, there you go." Yasmine grins. Next thing I know, there's screaming, tackling, hair pulling. I'm still in my stance.

"Dana, let's go talk." Ray Ray says. I manage to nod, and follow him into the hallway.

"Baby, you know I love you, right?" I just nod, tears, blurring my vision.

Yasmine wasn't lying.

"Uh, I ran into one of my old friends a while ago. Her name is Courtney, We went out to eat, no big deal. But then," he swallows hard. "she almost got hit. I pushed her out of the way, so she's ok. But I fucked up my arm, that's why I got this case. She felt bad, and I told her it was ok. But then, she kissed me. I'm not gonna lie, but I didn't stop her. I know I'm an ass, and you won't forgive me. You shouldn't, I don't deserve it. But I'm sorry, Dana. I know you've been hurt before and I wanted to be the man for you, but I failed that. I failed you." 

"How could you do that to me?" I choke out between sobs. I can't believe this is happening again. It's a relief to know it wasn't Emerald, but the same time, she knew and didn't tell me.

I didn't wait for him to answer. I just walked away. 

"I gotta go you guys." I say. I leave without another word, or a goodbye. 

I cried myself to sleep that night. It hurts, mostly because I thought Ray Ray would'e been the one for me. He didn't fail me. I failed myself.

bad || the housekeeper series. (2)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora