Chapter Seven

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(a/n) I wrote this chapter right before I fell asleep last night, so it's short. No Aliyah/Jacob drama in this one, sorry. But enjoy(: 

~Snow's POV  

Five minutes before the bell rang, Mrs.Middleson said shd had an announcement. 

"You guys have heard of the Hailey Fern incident right?" 

We all nodded our heads, and a couple of girls started quietly weeping at the thought of her. 

Hailey was bullied because she was an outcast, and commited suicide. 

She was one of my friends, so I cried super-hard when she was pronounced dead.

"Well, the principal wants our choir department to do a fundraiser for her parents. So I decided a good way would be to put on a concert for her. Her parents have a list of songs and artists that Hailey liked, and they confirmed that they were all high-school appropriate. So I'd like you all to take an application, and if you're interested, fill it out and return it to me before next Thursday so I can put you in the program." 

The bell rang, and Everyone grabbed an application.  

Of course, when I walked out of class, Yasmine caught me so she could bitch-rant about my lip-syncing 

"What the hell was that Snow? Why weren't you singing?" Yasmine growled.

"I just got over a cold." I lied.

Truth is, I hate singing. I think it's one of my weeknesses, I just can't do it.

I love listening to music though. I guess that's why I chose dance.

"It's not her fault, Snow." Lolo said, trying to calm Snow down.

"YES IT IS!" She yelled.

I started walking ahead, Tears slowly forming from my eyes.

Emerald caught up to me, and asked if I was okay.

"Yeah, I just need to go somewhere. I'll be back." I stared walking faster.

She caught up to me again, and wanted to come along.

I hesitated at first, but realized that I needed to tell someone about this. I couldn't keep it in anymore.

I drove to the dance studio, and luckily it wasn't open for classes until 3.

"What are we doing here?" Emerald asked.

"Just come with me."

I walked in, and saw my dance instructor and her assistant choereographing a new dance to teach us tonight.

"Hey miss Shanell, Hey Nina." I greeted each of them.

Nina was 22, and more hip than miss Shanell. But Miss Shanell was more Professional, like a teacher.

"What up girl." Nina sang.

"Shouldn't you be in school girl?" Miss Shanell asked.

"It's free period. I just wanted to use the ballet studio for a few minutes, is that okay?"

"Stress at school again?" Nina asked, concerned.

I nodded my head.

"It's fine, but don't break anything. And practice your set for tonight."

"Alright, thanks!"

I started to walk out of the room when I remembered.

"Oh this is Emerald. She's my friend." I said, introducing her.

bad || the housekeeper series. (2)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang