Chapter Forty

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(a/n) i know it's been a shitlong time since i last updated. i am sooooo sorry i just had extreme writers block & i still do but i thought it was time to come back and at least try. ((((and i may have kinda sorta got into orange is the new black...but that's none of yo business))))  just a heads up,Bad is going to be over soon loves! :( 

~Aliyah's POV

I found Jacob and Yasmine on the other side of the hallway. As I approach them,  I can see shock, then anger in Jacob's eyes. Yasmine sneaks a tiny smirk that she thinks Jacob didn't catch.

Sly bitch.

"What the hell is this? " Jacob says when I reach them, holding up several pieces of paper. I squint my eyes and focus. I see Jayden in all of them, hugged up on some girl, but only her backside is showing. Why the hell do I care? But as I look closer, I notice a fatal detail.
The girl has honey-blonde hair.

Just like mine.

She has the same skin tone, height, and even my exact tattoos. Is that me?
No. It couldn't be, that girl is all over Jayden.

Then it hits me.

Jacob thinks it's me.

"I don't - I..!" The shock hits me so hard I can't even get my words out.

"BULLSHIT." Jacob barks, his anger taking over. I sneak a look at Yasmine, who's seductively grinning. I want to kill her. I want to smack that smile off her face. I wish her lungs would collapse so I can rip them out of her body and feed them to a rabid dog.

"You're seriously gonna believe this? THAT'S NOT ME."

"How fucking stupid do you think I am?!"

"Very. I think you're very stupid if you don't think she photo-shopped this!" I snatch the pictures and look at them again. I have to admit, they do look real. But I know she did something. Who the he'll would stoop that low?!

"Alright, let's call Jayden up." He grabs his phone out of his pocket, and dials Jayden's number. Is this really happening?  I look at Yasmine again, who cuts her eyes at me.

I am done. I want her dead. Now.

My anger fills my chest, and I feel the adrenaline in my veins going down from the top of my head to my toes. My heart is in my throat, and salty tears are spilling out of my eyes. All I remember after that is grabbing Yasmine by her throat.

~Snow's POV

It's been a while since the whole pregnancy rumor. People have moved past it,so I'm glad. It's gone.
But the one thing that still haunts me, isn't gone. My Chlamydia.

I was prescribed with antibiotics that i take once a week. Most of my friends have abandoned me,except Laurielle and Cierra. Josh left me after finding out, and I haven't even talked to Chris. Turns out, he gave it to me. We only did it once, after Emerald's party. I don't even remember it, but I know if Cierra finds out she will kill me. I cannot let that happen. Other than my parents, she's practically all I have left. Chris hasn't told her either, and somehow she hasn't put two and two together just yet.

I also dropped out of the dance competition. I just want to be focused on the end of the school year, and graduating. 

Other than that, I'm doing pretty good. I've joined a local youth group, where I've learned to accept God into my heart and change my life for the better.

~Aliyah's POV

"You're on a 3-day suspension." Mrs. Felli announces.

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