Chapter Twenty-Eight (Part Two)

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~Kaylan's POV

"So then, he took me out to eat, and after that he just brought me home." Aliyah says , her cheeks glowing a light shade of red.

"Aww." I coo, slightly jealous of her boyfriend's genuine actions. I miss when I had a boyfriend that would take me out, and hug me from behind, and do all those little things that make me smile.

I'm not so sure Will is that type of guy. The only time I saw him in public was at Red, and I think he was drunk.

As if on cue, my phone vibrates in my pocket and I pull it out to read a text from Will.

'Aye, u free 2night?' As much as I want to go with Will so I'd have something to shove in Aliyah's face, I'm tired and want to go back to bed. I'm partially pissed that he waited until now to try and make plans but flattered that he thought of me.
'no, maybe tmrw. sorry :('

"Roc?" Aliyah asks as she looks over my shoulder in an attempt to read my conversation.

"No, Will. Why would it be Roc?"

"I don't know, just wondering."

I turn off my phone before making my way up to my room. I hear a loud thud and look back to see Jayden fall off the couch, and Aliyah with a  pillow in her hands.

"What the fuck?" Jayden groans, clutching his stomach on the carpet floor. I jut my hip out and place my hand on it, waiting for an explanation.

"I thought he was dead." Aliyah says, shrugging her shoulders. I shake my head, and walk up the flight of stairs to my room before once again falling into bed. I grab my iPod and earphones, and let the sounds of Bruno's Mars's Unorthodox Jukebox take me to a dreamless sleep.


"Kaylan, wake up."

"If you don't wake up and stop me, I will kill him."

"Kaylan please."

"I'm gonna do it. Where's my gun?" Aliyah says, breaking my slumber. 

"What are you talking about?" I say, wiping the sleep out of my eyes. I see Aliyah in a bathrobe, shower cap, and slippers. Her hair is a mess and her eyes are droopy, which causes me to giggle.

"This shit is NOT funny. he's been in there for an hour, I think he's DEAD."

"Just use my bathroom." I groan.

"I like the other bathroom!" Her voice gets five octaves higher, and I'm automatically annoyed

"Okay, okay." It's only 6:45 and I'm tired of Aliyah's bickering. I get up, stretch, and walk to the bathroom, Aliyah right behind me. Through the door, I can hear the faint sounds of... Britney Spears? Ignoring that, I knock on a door three times, to no response.

"Jayden, C'mon. you need to get out of the bathroom." I say, hopefully loud enough for him to hear me. but by the way he's singing.... I'm not sure.

Before I know what's going on, Aliyah backs up a few feet, and runs her shoulder into the door, slamming it open.

"What the hell?" Jayden and I say simultaneously.

"I swear if my door is broken..." I warn.

"Jayden get out! You've been in here forever!" She turns off the music coming from his phone, and unplugs his iHome. Luckily--Or unluckily, I'm not quite sure-- Jayden's fully dressed in a black 'LAST KINGS' tee, khaki shorts, and black converse.

"Alright, alright. I'm done." He says, putting his hands up in a surrender-type motion. He rolls his eyes at her, and she returns the gesture before closing the bathroom door.

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