Chapter Thirty-Nine

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"You did what?!" I gasp as Kaylan tells me of her promiscuous night with Roc. Jayden left, leaving us to clean up and have girl time. Kaylan was no longer a mess. She'd taken a shower, tied her hair in a ponytail, and threw on sweatpants and a tank top.

"I know! I know." She groans. "But I couldn't help it! Ugh, I missed him like crazy. And I didn't even realize it until then."

"So are you guys together again?" I ask.

She shyly looks down at her feet, not saying one word.



"Are you guys together?"

"I don't know..." She mumbles.

"What the hell? You had sex with the guy but you can't confirm whether you're a couple or not?"

"Ugh, don't say that. I mean, Zonnique's out of the picture for good, but I don't know if I'm ready to commit yet."

"Wooow." I try to act disappointed, but I was happy for my girl. I can already tell she's going to be a much happier person for a while, especially with Will out of her life.

"Oopsies." She said, shrugging her shoulders. "At least I got some." she mumbles.

I throw the sponge I was using to clean the dishes with at her. "I heard that!"

Suddenly,  we hear a knock at the door. I go answer it, looking through the peephole first.

Standing outside our door is Jacob. I'm still a bit upset about our argument last night, but I'm glad to see him.

To the right of Jacob is none other than Chresanto August, with a bouquet of flowers.

Not together my ass.

"Who is it?" Kaylan asks. I ignore her, and open the door. She gasps.

"Why hello, Jacob. Roc, what a pleasant surprise!" I say in my most sarcastic tone.

"Hi Aliyah. " Roc says. I welcome them both in. Jacob greets me with a kiss on the cheek.

"Good afternoon princess." Roc greets Kaylan as he presents her with the roses. She gladly accepts them, and gives Roc a hug. "Thank you for the flowers." She smiles.

"All she needed was some..." Jacob  sings, quoting a Childish Gambino song, making me laugh.

"All she needed was some..." I repeat. This goes on awhile.

"OK , we get it." Roc says.

"You sure did 'get it' " I say, using my fingers as quotation marks. Jacob burst into laughter, and we high-five. We are so corny.

"ANYWAYS, Prince and I were gonna go see a movie, you guys wanna go?" Roc continues.

"Prince?" I ask.

"Princeton. Jacob. That nigga." Roc says, pointing Jacob out. For some reason, I never got used to his nickname.

"Oh. I wanna go." I look at Kaylan for confirmation.

"Uh, I was gonna clean up some more,  but I could go-" she starts.

"No!" Roc says. " I mean, I could stay and help you clean. They can go."

"But you're all dressed up..." Kaylan says, blushing.

"It's coo, I'll stay. For you."

"Whatever, Roc. You just want me out of the house so you can bang-" I smirk.

"We'll go." Jacob, or Princeton, cuts me off.

We agreed to go see a scary movie, although it was mid-day. I changed into a pair of skinny jeans, a white tee that read 'YEEZY TAUGHT ME',  and my infamous Nike High Dunks. I put my hair in a quick ponytail,applied some mascara, eyeliner, and bb cream, and grabbed my bag.

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