Chapter 3- Words of Wisdom

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As i opened the door to reveal who had knocked my breath caught in my throat. Momiji Sohma was at my door step. "Momiji...?" my voice was muched and soft. I was half-expecting it to be Kyou....but i guess i should't have gotten my hopes up...

His golden honey brown eyes looked up at me "A-akari....?" he muttered, hopefull and happy. Soon his small arms went around my waist and hugged me tightly "Im so glad you're back!" he sniffeled his tears and wouldn't let go of me. His blond hair was matted down from the heat outside.

I chuckled slightly and hugged him back "I've missed you too, i remember when you were just an itty bitty baby" i closed my eyes continuing to remember my old memories of him.

Momiji smiled "Yeah?" he asked excitedly "I bet i was so adorable! Hey, since you're back and everything did you go see Kyou?" he asked, then studding my face. As if he knew my answered.

My face twisted in a new kind of pain, deep sorrows rose to the surface of my eyes. Tears pricked the edges as i nodded my head "I saw him.....but he didnt remember..." then soon my memory filled with tons of memories of us, the good and the bed. The sweet and the innocent. This was killing me, i feel like im dieing inside.....literetly.

Momiji looked so depressed when he looked at my face "He was so sad....he even got the guts to ask Akito to whipe his memory of you..." He said worridly of my reaction.

This was all new to me.....Did he really ask Akito of that? Was the memory of me too much of him to bare? I was done for, that had crushed me. Suddenly i knew i went down to my knee's, tears flowed down my cheeks. I wanted to die right there on the spot. "W-w-was it that r-r-remember me...?"

Momiji quickly shook his head "It wasnt like that....he just suddenly repressed you from his memory....making him forget"

I hid my pain quickly and nodded my head "I understand...thanks Momiji" NO! I DID NOT UNDERSTAND! Im crushed that he didnt want to remember me then fine! I'll show him whoes not remembering here. Forget him, he can just go screw himself. ILL show him whoes happy not remembering. This is called revenge. Something im best at.

______Later in the day______

Its been a LONG day, i've never had seen so many Sohma's at my house all at once. Even Akito visited....again....for the second time... He had to remind me of my "Comming back" party he will host for me. So i guess im going to go dress shopping in town....yippy!

Out of all the Sohma's, i was only in the mood to see one....Kyou....My heart still breaks when i think about him. My depessed depressions started showing and i almost broke down to cry.

"Uhmmm, Akari?" a voice came from behind me.

I whipped my head around at stared directly at Tohru standing in my doorway. My heart suddenly flaired with hatred and dispitment. I growled "What do you want!?" looking at her threw narrowed eyes. Not really trying to hide my bitterness. Kyou notices her, probably even likes her.... The little ass had guts showing up at my worst moment.

Her once happy faced shifted to suprized and sadness "Well...."

"I actually dont care!" I scrowled at her and pushed my way past her. "Whatever you wanted, well i could care less" i stormed off into town......maybe i saw too rude.....i just lost it.....I couldnt stand how this was effecting me mentally.

Soon as i walked threw different stores angerly looking through dress after dress. My mind filled with bitterness towards myself and at the world. When i finally picked out a dress i left without a second thought and went back to the house. I finally have cooled off. I went and threw myself on my bed on the floor. Tears comming back into my eyes as i laid there for hours, probably over thinking about this whole situation. Soon as I was beginning to fall asleep a soft knock came and echoed threw my house. I groned loudly and whipped my red swollen eyes, i sniffled and coughed as i tried to make it look like i wasnt just luck. As i slowly came to the door and opened it i bit my lip "What do you in a quit upsetting mood...i rather juste be left alone...." i said, my voice broken and choppy. I sounded so stuffy and broken..

"Oh Akari" suddenly arms went around me and engulfed me in a very tight hug.


A/N: I FINALLY UPDATED! Please tell me how you like this chapter!  I tried and tried to make it as long as i could! Dont hate me :\

Comment please!

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