Chapter 9- Something felt, but nothing was said

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[A/N: We are starting this off a little different with a Kyou POV, i hope you like it!]

*Kyou's POV*

These past few days sucked major ass! So far i managed to get my best friend back one day, then lose her in another. All because that damn rat! Yuki is just pushing my buttons in all the right ways, and its pissing me off! 

I buried my head into my hands and ran my figures through my hair. Depression felt heavy in my chest, weighing down my heart like lead. My eye's shifted to the clock.

1:47 AM

"ARG!" I muttered angrily, soon standing to my feet. Stepping quietly to my door, shoving my head into the hallway, looking around to see if anyone was up just like i was. Nothing stirred. Walking into the hallway, going to the room at the end of the hall. The air was warm and breezy than made it feel that the house was breathing. 

When i arrived to the door i put my ear to it, trying to listen if any noise came from within. When all that came back to me was silent i slowly and quietly opened the door, revealing whats inside. Stepping quickly and quietly shutting the door behind me. I then peered around the room, my eyes falling to the bed that laid beside the wall, and looked at the girl who occupied it.


She looked so peaceful and so calmed. Her brown hair dwindling down to the sides of her face. Freckles spread across her face like a mask. A small smug smile spread across my face as i admired her in the darkness. Watching her breath rising and falling as it kept her asleep. 

The depression has melted away as soon as i saw her. My heart beaded like an Indian drum. If only she knew how she made me feel. Gahhhh! This love crap is so stupid, yet i cant help but want to make her smile, to have her in my arms. 

I slowly stepped closer to her, wondering what she was dreaming about as she tossed and turned to side to side. Yawning and settled down again. Akari looked like an angel. I wish i could stop being such a wuss and just tell her how i feel. 

I soon returned to my bedroom, cheaking the clock once again.

2:21 AM

I felt exhausted and laid down in my bed, alone and wishing i could hold her. I'd sleep so much better with her. After tossing and turning and a punch of a pillow a few times before i finally fell asleep


I woke up to the sunlight shinning through the windows, blurring my vision to see. Covering my eyes to shield them and shuffled out of my room. Then i lazily slumped down the shairs, with a thud noise echoing each food-step.

"So how did you sleep Akari?"

As i heard Yuki's voice i stopped, yes im eavesdropping and highly curious on if they were going to talk about me.

"I slept fine, but had a feeling like someone was in my room though"

I held my friend ad slowly stepped through the open doorway "Keep it down will ya?" I sneered, acting like an asshole so they dont suspect anything. I fummbled to sit down.

"Someones quite grumpy" Yuki spoke with a smug tone.

" I had a rough night, get off my back" I retroited back. Rolling my eyes in the process. 

"Goodmornign guys!" A cheerful voice came through the door, yup Tohru was up. 

Everyone exceot Akari muttered their goodmorning. I have no clue why Akari is so rude to Tohru. It leaves me speachless and kinda upset. 

Her name is Akari {Fruits Basket Fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now