Chapter 12- The Monster, the death, and the sorrows

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Everything went in a blurr. The pain was unfurling even more as it speaded through my body. I could no longer hear that questioning voice until everything for me went dark. It felt like i was just floating in space, and time had never existed. In my mind i can picture it, me out in the middle of the vast unknown darkness, just floating in empty space. 

Breaking in and out of caunsiousness i could tell i was moving though, not floating. I was running, but it wasn't my legs i was moving. I was screaming, but my mouth did not open, nore did my voice came this body i was in. My skin was wet, sticky metalic blood that seeped into my muscels. After several moments i realized that I was in the forest, and that i had stopped by rushing water, lookin into it, trying to see my reflection. 

What i saw scared me most, a moon-shaped eyed monster stared back at me, with pure black souless eyes. A short muzzle and long fence-fox like ears. Razor pointed jagged teeth hung like a chainsaw, ready to attack anyone thats near. The freak of nature is what this was. With large hands with sharp claws and a sweeping long snake like tail. 

I could feel the presence of this demon, but it didnt seem all that evil. I saw it in my mind, a small child. I pictured myself casiously walking nearer and nearer to this presence. "Who are you?" I asked softly, not trying to sound scared in my wavered voice. 

The girl lifted her head and looked back at me, and i who took a step back. I could tell we thought the same thing. She lookes exactly like me! The loudness of our thoughts together made me fall to my knee's. " my name is... is... Akari" 

I stared at this girl, surprised and confused. "So that makes" 

She girl nodded her head "or at least, apart of you. Your rage, anger, suffering. Your negitive feelings. I am what you made up long ago to help you cope with all the overpowering negitive feelings everyone gives you, and also im the only image of your dead twin sister."

My brain was reeling, and nothing could have preaired me for this. "So....what am i doing here?" 

The girl smiled "Well you're dying of course!"

Well you're dying of course! Dying of course! Dying...

I stood in sock, staring at a reflective mirror of myself. Goose bumbs crawled up my arms as i prought my hand to my heart. I felt weak, nausious, nervous, and i couldnt stop a few tears streeking down my cheeks. "I'm dying..? I dont understand..." 

"Well, you weren't made to survive." 

I shook my head "What do you mean not made to survive?" 

The girl frowned, gussing that it was getting frusterated with all the questions she wasn't prepaired for. "You were born a twin. Twins with a curse were made with half demon spirits. They were evil, damned to hell, not made to survive." she paused, catching her rage. "There is always two sides to twins, a good and bad, and normally the worst of the worst survive. Thats why this world has people who murder, abuse, neglect, and inflict pain on themselves. The rare case of which the good spirit survives, they were never created to." 

I sat and listened carefully, but i can feel the physical body ebb closer and closer, deeper and deeper into the woods. It's hiding. I can feel the scared frantic feeling. This thing felt nothing more than a meer child. I closed my eyes, trying to see through the things eyes. Im not ready to die.  Maybe if i could try and survive..

The girl sat and stared at me after she was finished. "You're not scared?" she asked, almost puzzled. 

I shook my head at her "Why should i be? You said it was rare for a good spirit, so since you brought it up, i thought i was the rare."  i just sighed, sitting there still with eyes closed. I felt the direction of mountains of where it was headed. A acheing surge of homesick sliced its way through me. 

Her name is Akari {Fruits Basket Fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now