Chapter 2

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Excuse me for not introducing myself, but my name is Dua (Doo-uh). I'm a 16 (almost 17) year old girl who has moved to Australia 9 years ago. I moved to Australia because I was being bullied at my last school in America and I wanted to get far away as possible and the first thing that came to my head was to move to Australia. So my parents had decided to listen to me and move to Australia so I could be happier and so they could see my Aunt Kelly and Uncle Hunter.

Now that you know why I moved to Australia and a little about me, your now going to know how my life is.

I have an abusive father named Clark. He usually comes home late and drunk and beats me senseless. He also gambles a lot and sucks at it so every time he loses he brings over one his friends and they rape me. I've gotten used to it because this has been happening for the past 8 years. But every time my dad doesn't bring over a friend, I'm usually at my best friend Aria's house and I come past my curfew. He beats me senseless. He literally hates me.

My mother on the other hand loves me so much. She would practically kill herself just to keep me safe and protected. Now you're probably wondering, "Well then why hasn't she called the police or stopped your dad?". Well that is because my mother is terrified of my father. He is like a hawk, even when he's drunk which confuses me.

Now I also have a twin sister and a brother. We both love each other to death but we also hate each other to the point where we would feel like strangling each other. My twin's name is Brooke and my brother's name is Tristan. They both know I get abused by our father, and they are the most popular kids at school. There's just one thing, I'm nothing.

And 1 more thing about my life.

I have a bully name Michael Clifford, and he's the reason I started cutting and nearly committed suicide.

7 times.


Hey guys! I'm so sorry that I haven't updated in such a long time it's just that I'm in this private school and they give way too much homework. Anyway here is Chapter 2 I hope you guys like it and make sure you vote for this story. Q: what's your favorite food and sport?

Ok bye byes I love uuu

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