Chapter 4

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"Miss. Sharif!"

"Huh?" I sleepily called, still half awake.

"My class is not nap time for you! Detention again next week!"

"Ugh are you sure you're not on your man period or something." I muttered and I saw Michael starting to laugh silently meaning he heard... Great.

"What was that?"

Somehow gaining confidence, I spoke more loudly and clearer than before. "I asked if you were on your man period."

"Detention for 3 weeks! Now do you have anything else to say before I decide to send you to the principal's office?" Mr. Wallace said as he wrote down two more detention slips.

"No." I answered miserably as he handed me the detention slips right when the bell rang. "THANK THE LORD." I yelled as I sprinted out of class and straight to my locker.
When I reached my locker, I quickly put in my pin and grabbed my books before trying to get to my next class as fast as possible. Unfortunately, I couldn't get away quick enough as a hand wrapped around my wrist to stop me.

"Hey, Dua. Nice joke today in class. Too bad you got detention. At least your not alone." I saw the colorful haired guy wink at me at the last comment and felt myself rolling my eyes.

"Yeah thanks but I really need to get to chemistry. You know how Professor Thomas is when someone is late, automatic detention." I said while trying to get out of his grasp before something happened.

"Yeah I know and you know we both have that same class next right?" He asked.

"Oh... Yeah. How could I forget." I said, remembering everything that happened during that class.

"Yeah well why don't I walk you there." He suggested.

"Um no i-it's fine, r-really. Could you just let me go please I need to go.. Now." I panicked not wanting to get another detention since I already had three.

"Oh, yeah, sure, um. So I'll see you around then?" He asked.

"Yeah right sure, um see you around, I guess." I said while quickly walking to my next class.

**time skip brought to you by the lizard from geico**

I sighed as I walked out of my last class of the day;algebra. I absolutely hated math and the fact that I was failing made it worse. I tried getting a tutor but no one would tutor me in fear of getting bullied by Michael and his gang.

I grabbed the things I needed for tonight from my locker before I shut it and made my way out of the school. Right when I stepped outside I was yanked to the side of the school by some random kid. Before I could yell at him, I was in complete awe. He had black hair in a perfect quiff and the bluest eyes I have ever seen in my life. His broad figure towered over me while smiling a smile that held perfectly straight white teeth. He wore a plaid shirt with black skinny jeans and sneakers. He was the definition of perfect to me. I didn't know whether to be scared or happy but either way I stayed quiet, just staring at the handsome stranger in front of me.

"Sorry about this but I needed to ask you something." His deep voice asked me.

"U-hm yeah sure." I coughed still a bit entranced by his voice.

"Will you go out with me?" He asked.

And just like that, I was pulled out of my day dream.

"S-sorry, um, what?" I stuttered.

"Will you go out with me?"

"Go out with you? Sorry but is this a joke? I don't even know your name and you probably don't even know mine and for all I know you probably don't even go to this school." I exclaimed, not believing a word he just said.

"My name is Damon Charles (A/N shoutout to all the PLL fans), Dua Sharif. I do go to your school and no this is not a dare. I asked you like this so Michael or one of his little fuckers don't interrupt or get in my way."

"Okayy, so how do I know you're not lying." I said surprised.

"Tomorrow look for me in all your classes. We have all the same classes. Think about what I said. If you want to talk to me, meet me here tomorrow after school. By the way, I think you're one of the most beautiful girls I've ever laid my eyes on." He said while winking at the end causing me to blush madly.

"T-thanks." I said still not able to contain my blush.

"I'll see you later, Dua Sharif." He said while kissing me on the cheek and walking away.

I sighed happily while smiling to myself, staring at the ground like an idiot. I began to walk away from the school, looking up just in time to see Michael staring at me while leaning against his car with his arms crossed.

"Oh God. I'm screwed."

Hey guys sorry I haven't updated in so long school started like a month ago for me and it has been hell so far. Anyways yeah I hope you guys somewhat liked this chapter I will try to update more but until thenn

bye byes I love youuu

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