Chapter 6

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When getting ready for school the next morning, I recalled the events that occurred the previous day. Smiling to myself, I realized that maybe, just maybe, I may finally be happy after so many years of torment.

Making my way downtown- I mean school, I sighed in bliss as rays of sunshine had caressed my skin and a light breeze made its way towards me, weaving its way through my hair. I suddenly felt excitement fill me thinking that Damon would be waiting for me at the entrance of the school. Continuing with my walk to school, I had thought of all the things Damon and I would be doing today.

When reaching the school, I found that I was right as Damon was waiting at the entrance of the school. I grinned as I had made my way over to him.

"Hello beautiful." He greeted before giving me a hug.

"Hello handsome." I replied after parting from the hug.

"Ugh get a room already. Oh wait, I forgot someone like Sharif isn't capable of such a thing." I heard someone say followed my snickering.

Turning around, I was met with the familiar face of Michael Clifford. Yay. Upon hearing that I immediately turned back around as tears began to cloud my vision. Why can't he ever leave m alone? He was supposed to be my best friend but he isn't anymore.

"Why don't you just shut your mouth and keep walking Clifford. If anything, you should try keeping a girl for more than a two days." Damon replied with a chorus of "ooh's" following suit.

When hearing this, Michael immediately became infuriated as he took a step closer. Noticing this, Damon had pushed me behind him so he was in front of me, now facing Michael. Both their expressions told that all they wanted to do was rip each other to shreds. Uh oh.

"Hey dumbass, why don't you get your head out of your ass and follow with the news. I have a girlfriend and have had her for the past three weeks." Michael said.

"Wow you call that pile of plastic surgery and bitchiness a girlfriend? Damn then I wonder what you would call a wife. Crap? Or wait I got something better, nothing? Everyone in the entire school knows that you hardly even have a relationship with the clown you claim your girlfriend I mean you sleep with ten girls every week and she sleeps with at least twenty guys. That just goes to show how much of a man whore you are and a slut she is." Damon shot back.

"Oh and you think the girl your with is any better? Her social status is worse than a pig's. For God's sake the girl is still a virgin and it wouldn't hurt to get some work done on her. She is the literal twin of a cow. If you expe-"

Not letting Michael finish his sentence, Damon leapt over bashing Michael's face with his fist not containing his anger. Within seconds Michael is on the ground with a bloodied face struggling to get back and managing to get in only a few punches here and there. I tried pulling Damon back but he resisted easily, pushing me away and continuing to punch Michael.

A couple minutes later, after I had tried once again and failed to pry Damon off of Michael, one of the staff members had run out with a student who I had assumed notified the lady in the first place. She had tried as well to get Damon off of Michael but like me, had ended up unsuccessful. Knowing she wasn't strong enough to stop this fight, she told a student to run to the office to let them know of the situation so they could send some males to help instead.

At this point, Michael had managed to get up and shove Damon and fight back. Landing a few solid punches on Damon, he took advantage of him being down so Michael decided to strike again. And again. And again. And again. Finally after what seemed to be forever, three teachers had come to stop the fight. Once they had separated the two guys covered in blood, they waited until the principal had arrived to the scene.

As Damon was finally away from Michael, I made my way over and just stared at him for a couple of seconds before smacking him upside the head.

"Ow! What was that for?!" He asked while rubbing the back of his head.

"For nearly getting yourself killed! I mean what were you thinking?! That you'll be superman for a day because that's not how it works!" I scolded him before my eyes softened and I found myself taking his hand. "But thank you. Even though you hurt yourself pretty badly and you obviously weren't thinking, at least you did it for me." I said with a small smile.

"I'd do anything for you. And I was thinking thank you very much." Damon said.

"Yeah right. Even if you were thinking you weren't thinking right." I replied back with a chuckle.

"Oh yes I was."

"Oh no you weren't."

"Oh but I think I was."

"You thought you were. Just proves my point even more Charles."

"Damn you Sharif."

"Why thank you kind sir and may I say what a gentleman you are especially with your kid words."

"That's what I'm best known for."

We both laughed before the principal arrived and called Damon and Michael over. Probably to give them detention or something.

As I saw Damon and Michael walk away with the principal, I decided to finally enter the school and make my over to my locker. Grabbing the necessary books and supplies needed for the first couple of classes, I shut my locker and walked to my first class while humming a tune. As I entered the classroom to my first period class, I wondered what kind of day it might be today and what's happening to Damon right now.

*time skip brought to you by the weird dude from Empire Today or whatever that floor installment company is called*

As the last bell rang scheduling the end of the day, I headed towards my locker with all sorts of thoughts floating in my head wondering what happened to Damon and Michael.

I quickly packed my bag and exited the school trying to come up with a reasonable explanation as to why Damon hadn't returned to class but gave up as none of them satisfied me.

Once I caught sight of my house I had saw that my mom's car was parked in the driveway and relief had filled me.

When I walked inside, I hollered a hey and received a hello back (obviously from my mom) and headed straight to my room. I stayed there for a couple hours before I heard my mom calling me down for dinner and saying something about a guest.

As I walked down the staircase I heard voices which got louder and louder as I got closer to the source. I walked to the dining room where we usually have dinner and immediately my stomach drops and I come to a halt when I see the guest joining me for dinner.

Oh God. Oh dear God. Why why why. Why is it always him.


Hello people how are y'all feeling. I have no clue as to why I said y'all I'm not southern. Anyway I hope you're having a fantastic day so far here is an update and sorry this chapter was such crap I just felt bad for not updating in so long so I quickly wrote this off the top of my head. Well I hope you enjoyed it!

bye byes I love uuu

Meet my Bully } m.c. { DISCONTINUED Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum