Chapter 9

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ok I'll stop lmao but seriously thank you guys so much for 1K reads now I'll let you read the chapter sorry.

I stared wide eyed at the boy who just confessed his love to me. Thoughts raced through my mind thinking this must be a prank. There's no way that Michael likes me let alone loves me. I mean I am a nobody, There are thousands of other girls with ten times better looks than me that he could go for and yet here I am, trying to process the words that I thought would never exist in my life.

I ran a hand through my hair as I shakily exhaled. I opened my mouth while looking around trying to find the right words only for nothing to come out. Tears began to spring to my eyes as I still couldn't believe what was happening.

"I understand if you don't feel the same way but I just had to tell you. I-I can't go any longer like this, keeping up this bad boy act and hurting you. But I can't stand the thought of that Damon jerk still with you." Michael says as he say notices my struggle to find words.

"Damon's not a jerk Michael. At least he's honest with his feeling and expresses them in a better way than you. Rather than hurting me he shows me how much he truly cares for me. If anything you're the jerk. I went through hell these past few years because of you and I honestly don't know what to do with what just happened." I responded.

"I know and I really am sorry but all I ask is for a second chance let me show you how sorry I am. Please. Let me show you how much of a better guy I am than Damon. Please Dua." Seeing how much Michael actually wanted to make it up to me for all those years was shocking but I decided to give it a shot seeing as how I (hopefully) had nothing to lose.

"Okay. But only one chance. If you screw it up then that's it."

"Got it. One chance. Don't screw up. Thank you. Thank you so much. Now I gotta get to class or else I'll be stuck in detention for another two weeks so I'll see you around." Michael said as he suddenly hugged me and kissed me on the cheek and with that ran out of the classroom leaving me looking dumbfounded in an empty dark classroom.

**time skip brought to you by the creepy red headed girl from Wendy's**

I held my science textbook closer to my chest as I walked out of class. I looked around trying to find my boyfriend who I haven't seen at all today. Instead I was met with Michael.

"Hey." He said as he nudged my shoulder slightly.

"Hechoo." I said as I smiled gleefully at him.

"Hecho? What the hell is that?" He laughed at my silly attempt of a greeting.

"Shut up its my way of saying hi. Besides you're just jelly that I happen to have better attempts at a conversation." I said as I stuck out my tongue playfully.

"Um yeah sure I'm very 'jelly' because anyone would obviously be once they hear someone say 'hecho' instead of a simple hello." He muttered with an eye roll.

"Well duh. How couldn't they be."

*Michael's POV*
I smiled as I saw Dua laugh and be her old self. I'm hoping to amend things between us and to protect her from that Damon guy. There's something about him she doesn't know. And I don't plan on telling her right away since she obviously won't believe me. But I will in time. I'll expose him for who he really is.

I'll expose Damon Charles for the fraud he is.

hello my lovelies how are all of you. I know this chapter is a bit shorter than usual but I mean at least I updated. I legit wrote this on a plane because I can't find anything else to do. also my plan to like update four or five chapters at once kind of like died or something so I'm just gonna update one by one. anywho

bye byes I love youuuu

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