Chapter 3

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I heard my alarm deafen me. I groaned remembering I have school. I checked to see what time it is and saw it's 6 AM. I went back to sleep for 10 more minutes. When I had decided to finally get up, I headed straight to the bathroom and started my morning routine and after that I straightened my hair. When I got back to my room, I went to my closet to pick out an outfit. I chose a tie died muscle tee, a red and black flannel, and black leggings that stopped midway on my calves. I wore my black vans to finish my outfit. For my makeup, I did a natural look with some mascara and eyeliner. Once I was finally done, I went down to the kitchen, grabbed a granola bar and my bag, and started on my walk to school.

When I got to school I got the same odd looks from everyone that I usually get and I heard the same old whispering. I ignored everyone's stares and just kept walking.

As I made my way to my locker, I was pushed, shoved, and tripped multiple times. When I finally did make it to my locker, I put in my pin but it didn't work. I tried again and it worked. I put my books in and grabbed what I needed and put them into my bag. I was about to close my locker to have it slammed instead.

"Going somewhere?" I heard that annoying voice taunt me.

"Yes, to class, where else would I go jack ass?" I replied in a duh tone but immediately regretted it when a fist came in contact with the side of my head.

I fell to the ground and thus my morning beating began. I was kicked, punched, picked up and thrown really hard back on the ground numerous times.

I honestly didn't know why I deserved any of this. I didn't do anything to Michael. He's been bullying me since 7th grade. In middle school I kept asking Michael what I did wrong and he would just hit me and call me really mean words like, slut, whore, ugly, fat, bitch, useless, etc.

I quickly snapped back to reality as I felt myself getting shoved against some lockers. I groaned as my stomach collided with a knee. I couldn't tell who's knee it was seeing as how my eyes were shut tightly from the amount of my pain coursing through my body.

After what felt like ages, I was left alone next to the same lockers curled up in a ball. I finally decided to get up before I was trampled by hundreds of kids when the bell rings. I quickly, or in this case, attempted to get up and into the girls bathroom as quickly as possible.

Once I got to the bathroom, I splashed water onto my face to rid the blood the re-applied my makeup to cover up the bruises and cuts. While I was doing this, the cheerleading squad walked in.

"Oh look, it's hell." The captain, Camille who was also Michael's girlfriend, sneered.

"Tell me, do you still believe that you have a chance with Michael?" As she said this she began to walk closer to me. "Listen you little inconsistent bitch. Michael is mine and loves only me, so if you think that he likes you in any way, your wrong. Your just a misfit who's been cursed." All the girls laughed as I quickly started to gather my things before I became anymore of an embarrassment than I already am.

"Look can you just leave me alone I need to get to class." I muttered.

"What was that, I didn't hear you clearly since your too busy looking like a fat ass slut." Another round of annoying laughter erupted from those stupid cheerleaders.

"I said leave me alone and let me get to class. I won't bother you or Michael and I won't come near him just let me have my last couple of years of high school peacefully." I said louder so she could understand me.

"Okay, but one more thing."

"Ugh what now." My question was answered as Camille had slapped me across my face, hard. I ran out of the bathroom as tears began to uncontrollably fall from my eyes. I didn't care how I looked anymore I just needed to get away from Camille and her little bitch squad.

When I walked into my class, everyone quickly averted their eyes from the lesson to stare at who had just walked through the the door.

"Miss. Sharif your late." My teacher, Mr. Wallace said.

"Sorry I-I had fallen asleep outside and didn't notice the time." I stuttered.

"As punishment, I will be seeing you after school in detention. Please take your seat." Mr. Wallace said as he handed me a detention slip.

I quickly walked to my seat while looking down. I tried my best to focus during the lesson but found my eyes growing heavy instead. Right when my eyes were about to close, I saw someone I dreaded to see quickly change seats to sit next to me. A shiver ran down my spine right when he took a seat next to me.

It was him.


I am so sorry guys I haven't updated in FOREVER and you have every right to be pissed at me its just that this is mid-term finals week and I have been stressing about it the past few months but excuses are excuses so in apology, I wrote a long chapter for you guys. I HOPE YOU LIKE IT!

Oke bye byes I love uuu

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