Chapter 8

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The next day was quite eventful. When I had come to school I wasn't met with Damon, instead with Michael. I was confused yet scared as to why he was walking over to me and so quickly at that. I flinched as he grabbed my arm, pulling at the new cuts and bruises that were made the previous night.

"W-what do you want? Where are you taking me?" I asked as he dragged me to an empty classroom.

I began to grow worried as he ignored my questions and continued dragging me through the somewhat empty halls. Once we came across an empty and dark classroom, he shoved me in while shutting and locking the door behind him. I stared in confusion as to why he needed to come and drag my ass to an empty classroom and have to lock the door behind him. As the several thoughts were filling my mind, I hadn't even realized he was standing directly in front of me and just.. staring? 

"Um, what are you doing?" I asked as he continued to stare.

I was met with silence as he continued to just stare at me, eyes roaming all over, as if they had a mind of their own.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He suddenly said out of nowhere.

"W-what? Tell you what?" 

"Dua don't be like this. Why didn't you tell me?" 

I curiously looked over at the Australian boy wondering as to what on Earth he had known that I didn't.

"Michael I'm sorry but I don't know what you're talking about. Now if you'll excuse me there are fifteen minutes before first period starts and I need to go plus Damon might be waiting for me." At the sudden mention of Damon's name Michael had inhaled sharply.

"I thought he had gotten better Dua. You told me that he had gotten better. But he never did, did he? Why would you lie? WHY WOULD YOU LIE TO ME ABOUT THIS?!" I jumped as Michael had shouted and sudden realization had hit me in the face. 

Flashback to six years ago

I can't keep doing this to Michael. I don't deserve him after all he's done for me. I have to do something. 

A month later in flashback

"Michael! He's stopped. Well not completely but he's getting better. He's been hitting me less. A-and look! I've been cutting less because of him too!" I said as I showed him my arms.

"Really?! That's amazing Dua!" Michael exclaimed, ecstatic.

"Oh shoot I gotta go. My mom needs me home. See you later, yeah?"

"Yeah." He replied as we both parted ways.

Once I got home, I sighed once I heard a bottle of beer hitting the ground, spreading pieces of glass everywhere knowing I'd be the one to have to pick them all up.

"I'm home!" I shouted, hearing my father get up, or at least try to.

"You bitch! Look at what you've done! I'll be damned if you don't get your fucking ass beaten by the end of the day!" My father shouted.

He stumbled over to me and once he reached me, well let's just say I had one hell of a day.

A month later again

Once I lied to Michael saying my father was getting better he had become distant. Finding a new group of friends and neglecting me every time I tried to talk to him.

I realized that my plan to get Michael to back out of trying to protect me against my father succeeded but also failed in trying to bring me closer to him. But I couldn't do anything about it. I was just a nobody. As he began to gain more popularity I continued to disappear and become more invisible than I already was.

End of flashback

I furiously blinked away at the tears that formed in my eyes as I looked away in guilt.

"Dua look at me. Please. I need to know why you lied to me. Why you hid this from me. I could've helped Dua. And it kills me that I didn't." And when I looked up my whole world came crashing down as I saw that the one person who has caused so much pain and misery in my life the past few years is standing before me with tears in his eyes.

"H-how did you know?" I said as I choked back a sob.

"How could I not." And all of a sudden, I didn't feel so alone in the world when I felt a pair of arms wrap around me. Don't get me wrong Damon makes me happy, but being with him, it always feels like there's something missing. Like a spark that just won't ignite.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry I lied to you. I just wanted to protect you from him. To stop you before you got hurt." I sobbed into Michael's arms as he just hugged me tighter and cried with me. 

"Dua you should never be sorry. You've done nothing wrong to have to be sorry. If anyone should be sorry it's me. I'm sorry for not talking to you all those years back. I'm sorry for hurting you in ways not imaginable. I'm sorry for not being there when you needed someone. And most of all, I'm sorry for not being honest sooner and letting you get taken away by someone who doesn't deserve you." 

"It's okay Michael but what do you mean for not being honest sooner?" I said once I calmed down. 

"I'm sorry for not telling you that I, Michael Gordon Clifford, am madly in love with you."

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this was crap but hey AT LEAST I UPDATED anywho here you are people and peasants, my children. i hope you enjoyed this and all so yuppieeee

ok bye byes i love youuuuu people

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