Chapter 5

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The next day, things were a bit different. I woke up with a giddy feeling inside of me. I got ready for school fairly quickly today. The only difference being that I actually took time to pick out what to wear. This hadn't happened since fourth grade. Anyway, I did my usual routine, straighten my hair, brush my teeth, grab a granola bar, ignore my sister and brother, and walk out of the house without any fucks given. On my walk to school, I noticed a slight skip to my step and a smile on my face. I never stopped thinking about Damon. I didn't know whether to accept or decline his offer. As I neared the school a thought came in mind. Damon Charles is one fine looking man.

**time skip brought to you by Ronald McDonald**

I sighed as I tried to calm my nerves for the upcoming class. Judging by Michael's intense gaze yesterday I'd say he's more than pissed. And the thing that makes this situation worse is that I have Michael in my next three classes, each eighty minutes. Great.

I began to dreadfully drag myself to my next class. As I walked through the door I saw Michael immediately stop talking to avert his gaze to me. One cold, solid glare told me enough. Almost immediately my nerves had raced back into my body causing my hands to shake and become clammy. Wiping my hands on the sides of my leggings, I walked down the aisle to get to my seat just for me to get tripped by Calum, one of my Michael's friend. Shutting my eyes waiting for the hard contact to come shocked me as it never did. I slowly opened my eyes to be met with the same person who kidnapped (sort of) me in front of the school. It felt like hours as we just stood there staring at each other, me still being in his arms. I noticed it getting extremely quiet and I hesitantly broke my gaze from the blue eyed beauty in front of me to stare at the rest of the class. Everyone had begun whispering the second I began to stare back at them. Everyone except Michael. He just stared at me with his harsh gaze, not once blinking.

I slowly turned back around to Damon to thank him however, I lost my train of thought when I found him staring at me. Clearing my throat while turning my head to the side to hide my tomato red face, I muttered a small thank you and ushered to my seat just as the teacher walked in.

"Alright, everyone settle down. Now..." The teacher continued as I completed zoned out of the lecture.

*another time skip brought to you by the old man from kfc*

During each class, I had checked to see if Damon was correct about being in all my classes. He was. Great. I went on with my day trying to ignore Damon however his offer kept getting into my head. I thought it over multiple times until I came to one final decision.

I let out a shaky breath as I slowly walked up to his locker, immediately regretting my decision. But then again, I've never really had a boyfriend. Eh, fuck it. I walked up behind him, and just as I was about to tap on his shoulder he spun around giving me a smile.

"Hey Dua, anything wrong?" Damon asked as he was just finishing up from grabbing any books he needed from his locker.

"U-uh well, you know, u-um..." I mentally hit myself for looking like a fool in front of the one guy who shares any interest with me. Taking in one big breath (I've realized I have been doing that a lot lately) I cleared my throat and spoke with one firm tone. "Yes."

Damon looked around as if someone had called his name, then looked back at me with both a shocked and confused look.

"Yes what?" He asked.

"Yes I'll go out with you." I replied while playing with the sleeves of my flannel.

"Wait seriously?!" Damon asked deliriously.

"Yeah." I said while softly laughing.

"OH MY GOD YES!" Damon shouted while looking as if he just won the lottery.

I suddenly gasped as I realized I was picked up and being spun around. Guess who it was. If you guessed the weirdo who looks like he won a lottery ticket for a million bucks then guess what you're correct!

"THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU." Damon kept repeating while kissing me all over my face causing me to laugh, a blush tinting my cheeks.

As Damon was spreading kisses all over my face, out of the corner of my eye I noticed Michael slam his locker and storm out of the school giving me one last glance. The smile on my face quickly disappeared as it was replaced with a look of horror. Damon noticing this, grabbed my chin and made me look at him, a look of concern etched all over his face.

"Hey what's wrong? What happened? Did I hurt you?" Damon asked while his eyes stared at me, searching for something close to an answer.

"N-nothing. Nothing's wrong." I whispered while looking away.

As if his sixth sense kicked in, a look of realization had spread over his face and quickly turned into pure anger.

"Dua, hey, I'm right here okay? No one is going to hurt you. No one is going to even touch you alright? I won't let them." He reassured me with his million dollar smile.

I smiled back feeling most of my nerves go away but some still lingering. I sighed in content as I felt Damon wrap his muscular arms around me protectively while kissing the top of my head.

"Damon, could we go get some ice cream?" I asked suddenly in the mood for ice cream.

"Of course. I'd do anything for you." He said while giving me a kiss on the cheek.

Smiling up at him, I intertwined our fingers as I began to walk out of the school with Damon following. Not knowing where his car is, I let him take the lead. When we reached his car, we got in and began the short drive to the ice cream parlor. The one thing I loved the whole ride?

His hand never letting go of mine.

Hey guys here is another chapter. I will give a heads up and say that I will update much more but it will be slow updates. Anyways hope you guys liked this chapter, comment down below your thoughts on Damon and any ship names for Dua and Damon! Until then..

bye byes I love youuu

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