Chapter 2

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"I need more time." He lied.

Daniel's eyes widened and he laughed triumphantly. "You need more time? You? I've seen you seduce a woman with just the bat of an eye! Hah!"

Adam smirked. He didn't actually need more time, he had already kissed the girl but he didn't want it to end quite so soon. He was just having too much fun teasing Dynasty.

"Is it so surprising?"

"Hah! I told you she was more than any man could handle. And you are no exception."

Adam shrugged before grinning boyishly. "She's very witty you know."

Daniel tsked. "You mean quick to insult?"

Adam laughed. "That too. Actually she hates me."

"There's a woman in London who hates you?" He chuckled. "I never thought it possible...god good, I think I'm starting to like her."

"And she's terribly spoiled."

"Mean and spoiled? That's a nasty combination."

"I think she's rather entertaining."

Daniel chuckled, "You would."

"Needn't you worry, leave her to me. Aw but before I go, shall we up the bet?"

"What do you have in mind? I'm feeling pretty confident."

Adam grinned. "If I win you have to court Eleanor Whinchester."

Daniel sputtered dramatically. "You're not serious..."

"Aren't I? You said you were confident."

"Fine, you're on but on one condition."


"You have to get her to like you."

Adam laughed, "You're on."


Dynasty stared at the visitor siting in her father's study with disbelief.

Her father stood at her arrival waving her in. "Darling, you have a visitor."

She bit back a growl before forcing a smile onto her lips. "Hello Mr. Hugh."

He smirked at her, a teasing light in his eyes.

"Ms. Harrison."

Her father wrapped an arm around her shoulder, "Mr. Hugh has come to me personally to ask if he can court you. I've given him permission to take you riding."

Her cheeks turned pink. "I would love to go riding but I'm afraid I feel rather ill." She lied.

Her father's eyes widened, he was a kind man and made it a priority to take care of his only child's needs, "Oh dear."

Adam saw right through her lie and stood, moving toward the pair. "Shall we go for a walk around the estate then? I'm sure you're not too ill for that."

Anger burned in her blue eyes as her father agreed, pushing her forward gently. Adam grabbed her elbow and lead her forward toward the door and out onto the land.

Once they were alone she immediately snapped. "What game are you playing!"

"I assure you I don't know what you mean."

"You embarrass me and then you insult me. You force a kiss upon me and now you suddenly want to court me? I assure you, Mr. Hugh, I am no idiot!"

He chuckled. "The kiss we shared was anything but forced. You melted in my arms if I recall."

Purple Is The Color of PassionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora