Chapter 10

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Dynasty stood slack jawed at the man before her. He was so persistent.

She had refused to leave her room until the love mark he had given her had faded. Now as he stood in front of her, the same boyish grin on his handsome face, she had the urge to curse his name.

"When are you going to give up?" She snapped before she could stop herself.

His grin turned into a full blown smile and he merely shrugged. "When are you going to give in?"

She frowned at his words before gripping her skirt in her hands and pushing past him.

"Why are you here? You and I both know I refuse to go anywhere with you."

Adam chuckled at that. Despite herself the sound made her blush, her cheeks glowing pink.

"And you know that won't deter me in the least."

She huffed, stopping and giving him her attention. "You're a nuisance. Why don't you go and fulfill another bet...I'm sure there are plenty of ignorant women around London who would love your affections."

Adam frowned at her words, giving her a dull look, though behind his expression his heart dropped. He bit back an angry, defensive retort and took a deep breath. He had no right to be angry with her for being hurt. He had no right to be impatient with her after toying with her heart.

He ran a hand through his curly mass of hair and looked at her. "There is only one woman in London, in the world, whom I want to lavish my affection upon. And that's you, you stubborn woman."

Her face flamed and she stomped her foot childishly, glaring at him beneath her long lashes. It pissed her off to no end that his words affected her the way they did. She knew, deep down, that she couldn't trust him and yet she found herself hanging onto his every word.

"How many times must I tell you that I don't want your attention? You're the last person that I want to lavish anything on me! And that includes your lustful affections!"

The look he gave her had her taking a step back. It was a look that she was beginning to recognize as a sinful one. His golden orbs were smoldering with a building fire that seemed to engulf her. He took a step toward her and then another, closing the gap between them.

"Adam, don't...we're out in the open...," her voice trailed off as he leaned toward her, his closeness leaving her speechless.

He cupped the back of her head, pulling her forward. She stumbled against him, her heart pounding in her ears. "You don't want my love?" He whispered hoarsely, his lips grazing hers.

Her breath caught. His love? Dear god...she could literally feel the newfound wall over her heart chipping away. Was she so easily swayed by this man?

He closed the space between them and kissed her for a moment. She melted, sagging into him. A shiver ran up her spine as she felt his hand brush her warm cheeks. That simple movement was all she needed to be knocked out of her daze.

She gasped against his lips before jumping back. "No!"

He didn't release his hold on her but allowed her enough space to stare up at him. Her eyes aflame with a wary resolve. They stared at each other for a long while, both of their hearts pounding in their ears. Time seemed to pause. His gaze was smoldering. And hers mirrored his.

He suddenly pulled her closer and she came willingly, lost in a trance. He cupped her cheek, running his thumb over its warmth. "Will you hoard my mistake over my head forever?" His voice was laced with remorse.

"I want you like I've never wanted anything before." His voice was like molten lava to her senses. She could feel her heart beat accelerating in her chest.

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