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I sigh as I follow the stranger out of his car and into the apartment complex. "Hey, cheer up. You're a smart kid, you'll figure something out." He smiled reassuringly, but for all I know he could be lying. I gave a simple nod and followed him up two flights of stairs and down the left corridor, with a jingle of keys and a shove, we were now inside his apartment room. I looked around before sinking myself into the couch and breathing in deeply.

"Should I text him?" I said out loud, mainly speaking to myself.

"Do you want to text him?" Matty responded.

"Yeah, I do." I spoke softly.

"Do you think it's a good idea?" Matty questioned.

I groaned in response, throwing my head back. "Enough with the questions! Should I text him or not!" I whined at the end and Matty chuckled.

"Man, you're whipped." He walked down a hallway, to what I assume is his bedroom. Well, that didn't help.

I brought out my phone and stared down at the black screen. I slide the unlock button and put in my pin, I was now just staring at my messages. I could text him and get an angry response or I could text him and get no response. I think I will take the chances.

To: Victor~<3
Hey.. It's Kellin...

After I hit send, I locked my phone quickly and sat it beside me on the couch. Oh god, what if I just fucked everything up! What if I just started a war? I don't want a war, I want Vic, all I want is Vic... My phone vibrated and I looked down to see the message.

From: Victor~<3
Delete my fucking number and stay out of my fucking life.

My head felt dizzy and my heart was beating a million times per second. The love of my life..wants absolutely nothing to do with me. My breathing became shallow and before I could process that I should calm myself down, I was already fading in and out of consciousness.

The last thing I saw was Matty flashing before me, waving his hands in front of my face and checking my pulse before I closed my eyes and drifted off to peace.

When I'm Sober I Feel Pain | KellicWhere stories live. Discover now