Raphael X Reader: Cookies

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Tmnt x reader (thats you!)
Nothing too innapropriate, just fun fluff
This is my first time writing a X reader anything so I hope you enjoy it! I plan to write more as time allows and as I finish up my own fanfic. Sometimes i like to have a break from it so i can gather my thoughts and plan the next story arc so you all get this in return for the wait enjoy!

It was another lazy night at the lair and the boys werent doing anything in particular so you decided to pay them a visit. You did this every so often since you met them (please imagine your own how to met them story, im not going to write it out) but lately you started to come over more often the usual.

Maybe it was because you had a crush on one of the mean green fighting machines who sat down next to you on the pizza box sofa they sported in their living room. In his big green hands was a bag of Chips Ahoy and as he opened it he didnt even bother to give you one. The big jerk.

Raphael was known for his bad attitude but when luckily when it came to you he was a lot nicer then he appeared on the outside. You two got along well and chit chatted from time to time and you rather liked him. Even if he was the opposite of you, being big and rough around the edges, and you being more of the demure quiet side of things. You liked his honestly and how he called everything as he saw it, even if the truth was hard to hear or sometimes even insulting. You had your share of lying douche bags to deal with in life to appreciate some stone cold honesty.

You also had to admit that he had to most beautiful golden eyes, killer smile and the muscles that rippled his body were a nice bonus. What could you say, you were a sucker for macho men....even macho turtles and Raph definitely had it going on in all the departments that rang your bell. Problem was, you were too shy to ever admit it to him nd even if you did he would probably laugh in your face anyway. So you enjoyed what time you could spend with him which tonight was reruns of LOST on the old boob tube sitting across from you.

He took out a cookie and eagerly munched on it before again reaching into the delectable blue bag of goodness and repeating the action. With every crunch you felt your mouth water and prayed he would offer you one because chocolate chip cookies were your kryptonite. Heck you would even be happy with a smashed one or just the crumbs!

After a few minutes of listening to him chomp away you turned and sweetly asked. "Hey, care to share those?"

He stopped mid much with a cookie in hand dangling above his open maw and stared at you for a moment. "You like chocolate chips?"

"who doesnt." You shrugged.

He smirked. "Oh i dont think you deserve one of these...besides you look like you could use a few less cookies."

Your blood ran cold, did he just call you fat?!

"Are you serious?" You asked carefully, hoping he was just being a tease which he had a habit of doing with you anyway.

"Okay okay, ill give you just one..." He held it out to you and when you reached for it he quickly popped it into his mouth and smiled.

Now you felt a small trickle of heat in your face and it wasnt from blushing, more like rage. Denying you, a woman, chocolate chip anything was tantamount to heresy and he knew he was pushing your buttons the wrong way. He liked doing that from time to time just to get a rise from you, because you were friends, and on most nights you just laughed it off and let it slide but tonight you werent feeling it especially since he made a off handed remark about your weight.

"Raph can I have a cookie?" You asked again, your brows knitted in annoyance.

"I dont know...can you?" He waved the bag at you from his end of the couch.

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