Raphael X Reader: Babysitting

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TMNT x Reader
(any version)
No warnings, just cute fluff

"Hey guys! Ive brought over a friend!" You announced happily as you came through the front entrance of the lair. The guys were in the living room watching tv and hanging around when they turned their faces to you and gave you their hello's and how are you's.

"So where is this friend of yours? You know you're not allowed to bring anyone else to lair." Leo pointed out as he sat on the couch cross legged with a book in hand.

"Her." You said and turned around. On your back was a baby carrier and in it, the most adorable baby girl all bundled up in her footsie pajamas and a soft beanie cap on her head as her legs kicked happily against your back.

"Wow is that real?!" Mikey gasped as he jumped up from his spot on the floor and ran over to you and the little surprise.

"Sure is! She is 1 years old!" You announced proudily as you set the carrier down and then scooped her up into your arms.

Raph was just coming out of the kitchen with a bowl of chips in his hands when he froze at the sight of you and the little thing. "Uh....is there something that you want to tell me?" Raph was your boyfriend after all and if you had had a baby he would've...well should've been the first to know about right?

"This is (Baby name) and she is my older sisters daughter." You explained.

"Oh cool you're an auntie!" Mikey cheered as he made funny noises and the baby and poked one of her plump cheeks with his finger. The baby made a funny sound and smiled at him. "Oh look she likes me!"

"Wanna hold her?" You offered to the freckled turtle.

"Can I? Really?" His face lit up.

"Sure. She can watch tv with you." You passed her to him and He took her happily and bounced her up and down in his arms. She squealed and laughed as he sat back down cross legged at the tv with her in his lap.

"Babysitting duty tonight?" Raph asked as he gave you a quick peck on the cheek and then sat down on the couch with his bowl of chips in his lap. You sat on the arm of the chair and leaned into him, stealing a few chips.

"Yeah, its my sister and her husbands anniversary so they asked me to watch her for one night."

"Lucky you."

You knew Raph wasnt comfortable around kids, not that he didnt like them but he didnt know how to talk them either so he avoided them like the plague. This was his first exposure to a baby though.

"We need to get dinner started." Leo announced. "What do you all feel like tonight?"

"I already got something planned." Mikey said over his shoulder. "Leave it to me."

"Better get started then, we're starving." Raph said.

Mikey sighed. "Okayyyyyy. But i need help chopping veggies and stuff."

"I can help." You offered and stood up.

"What about (Babys name)?"

"She hasnt really learned to crawl yet so just leave her on the couch with Raph." You suggested. Mikey deposited the small human being next to the big green turtle as the rest of you started towards the kitchen.

"Wait you cant leave me with her!" Raph objected.

You called over your shoulder. "Dont worry, she cant go anywhere. Just pat her back or something if she starts crying." and you dissappeared into the kitchen.

Leo sensed Raph's hesitation and smirked. "And I think im going to go clean the dojo. Have fun with (babys name)."

"Screw you guys! You cant leave me alone with this thing!" Raph cried out nervously as he eyed the wiggling baby next to him. She was on her back and kicking her tiny legs like a frog while making a serious of cute bubbly noises.

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