Raphael X Reader: Nice hit

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Please imagine any version of Raph you like! This is not series specific
Raph x Reader (thats you!)
I do not own tmnt

Raphael was at his weight wrack in the dojo when you came in and greeted him with a soft and sweet hello. He looked over his shoulder at you as he curled a dumb bell that you could have sworn weighed more than you did and gave you his hallmark bad boy smirk as he said hello back and continued to pump iron. You two had been together as a couple for a few months so you were used to this routine of his and though you didnt really enjoy physical activity as much as he did you certainly didnt mind watching him. It was a good chance for you to oogle and fan girl him which stoked his ego big time and made him work that much more just for a chance to impress you and show off.

"What chya' doing today babe?" He grunted as he pumped his last reps out and then dropped the bell with a big THUD on the ground. You walked around him to his bench press set and leaned into it with your hip facing him the whole time.

"Nothing at all other than checking out my smoking hot ninja boyfriend." You smirked back at him.

"Wanna learn some moves?"

"Uh you mean like...ninja things?"


You shook your head and put your hands up. "No way, You know I stink at exercising! Id embarrass myself and shame you."

He walked over and grabbed your hand, yanking you off his bench and pulling you to the center of the room. "I seriously doubt that and besides, its time you learn how to defend yourself a little. New York is no place for a prissy little thing like you."

"Prissy?" You made a funny face.

"I mean that in a good way." He smiled and quickly kissed your forehead before squaring off in front of you. "I promise I'll be gentle. So go ahead and get into a good stance, like this."

He demonstrated a front stance with his hands up in defense like a boxer. You tried to copy him and he adjusted your arms and legs for you.

"Good now, give me a straight punch to the face." He instructed.

"um....okay." You said weakly and slowly punched towards him and he caught your hand in his palm.

He rolled his eyes. "Oh come on, i know you can hit harder than that. Think of something that pisses you off!"

"Pisses me off? But...but there really isnt anything..." You sighed. You were far to easy going to stay mad at anyone or anything forever and tended to see the best in people before the worst, its no wonder you fell for Raphael. Big hard headed lug that he was he still had an incredibly lovable side which only you were privileged to see.

"I know there must be something in this world that makes you angry....think hard." Raph instructed.

"Well..."You began. "Last year there was this guy in school who flipped up my skirt and tried to peek at my underwear..."

Raph's lower right eyelid twitched. "What was his name?"

"Why so you can go kill him?"

"Yeah!" he growled.

"Actually I really dont remember who he was..."

"Okay then...imagine that I am that guy, what did you want to do to him when he did that to you?"

"This!" You suddenly reacted without thinking and lifted your back leg, driving it forward in a swift front kick and nailing your boyfriend right between the legs.

Raph's face instantly turned a nice shade of purple as he dropped to his knees and grabbed his crotch. You were in a panic and tried to help him out. "Im so sorryyyyyyyy!" You cried as you patted him on his back as he tried to catch his breath.

"Im sorry! Oh god im so sorry!" You said rapidly over and over again. "Hang on! I'll go get Donnie!!!!!"

Raph grabbed your wrist to keep you from running off and said through clenched teeth. "No its cool! Nice hit by the way."

Then suddenly his leg swept out and you found yourself falling over backwards but he caught your head in his big green hand before you could crack it on the floor and wrapped another arm around your waist. He had you pinned underneath him in as you met eye to eye. Even though you had had your fair share of intimate moments, every time your eyes met his emerald greens it always took your breath away and made you blush silly.

"You do realize I have armor plating down there." He pointed out with a smirk on his face and a husky look in his eyes. All trace of pain from him earlier completely removed.

"You were faking it?!" You gasped.

"Never let your guard down." He chided.

"Thats not fair!" You whined.

"Alls fair on the battlefield. Still, kicking a guy down there is is pretty low."

"No pun intended." You rolled your eyes.

"Guess I'll have to punish ya." He grinned.

You suddenly felt your face get hot and red. "And how to you plan to do that?"

"Oh I think you know how." Raph said in a low voice as he lowered his lips to yours.

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