Leonardo X Reader: Save the last dance

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I do not own tmnt
No warnings, just fun fluff! Enjoy!

You gave a long exasperated sigh as you walked down the street. It was about half past 7pm, the sun was already down, street lamps on and everything going according to a typical night in the city except for one problem....you were dressed in the most ridiculous poofy blue evening dress that that looked like it came right out of a fairy tale story. Its not that you didnt like dresses, its just that this one in particular was NOT your style nor did you choose it.

Tonight was your best friends birthday party and her being the high strung socialite that she was had to go out with a big bang by hosting her own ball in downtown new york. You two were good friends after all and it wasnt everyday you got invited to such big shindigs so you agreed to it but on her condition that SHE chose the dress. You knew it was going to be epic....epically bad because she had a princess complex, the opposite of your real world, down to earth sarcastic girl next door type nature. You were willing to take one for the team though so you went along with it.

To add to the already silly dress you were publically walking in, you dropped your coin purse somewhere between the bus stop and home leaving you with only your two feet to carry you. Luckily the venue wasnt that far and on foot you could reach it in about 20 minutes.

You thanked your lucky stars though it was nighttime and most people werent paying enough attention to you to give a care as you sauntered down the street.

But then someone bumped your shoulder hard, some guy walking the opposite way of you, hard enough to almost knock you off balance.

Being the nice person you were, you apologized first. "Sorry."

"Sorry? Be sorry for walking around in that ridiculous outfit bitch." He growled back.

"And you be sorry for being a dick." You said back curtly.

"Ohhhhh some lady's all high and mighty tonight."

"Im on my way to a freaking birthday party jackass." You said bluntly.

"Whats the hurry then." The man staggered closer and you caught a big wiff of booze on his breath. Great, the typical new york street drunk.

"Oh I dont know, not wanting to talk to some creeper drunk in a dark alley way." You said sarcastically and turned to go but he grabbed your shoulder sharply and pulled you back hard enough to rip your shoulder strap.

Before he could go any further though something big and green caught the side of his face and sent him flying into the wall closest to you. Blood bursted from the drunks nose as he slid down onto his butt and remained there, totally knocked out and probably missing a few teeth for it too.

You already knew who did it and as you turned to look at him you had to give a very exhasperated look. "Leo!"

He came out of the shadows, with his swords on his back and a not to happy look on his handsome face. "A
little late to be walking around this part of town Miss."

"Im going to a party." You aptly pointed out.

"You could have told me you didnt have a ride. I would have escorted you there." He crossed his arms over his chest as he looked you up and down, keeping the stern face but secretly oogling at you all dressed like a princess. The fact that your dress was blue too tickled him pink.

"How did you know I was here anyway...wait a minute have you been watching me?!" You pointed a finger at him accusingly. He didnt even flinch.

"Yup." He smirked.

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