Michelangelo X Reader: Plushies for kisses

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Tmnt x Reader
No warnings, just good fun fluff
I do not own tmnt

Michelangelo watched you from the corner of his eye while he had his face turned to the direction of his TV, a video game controller in hand and a can of grape soda next to his lap. He sat cross legged on the floor while you were sitting quietly on the sofa behind him with your daily planner on your lap and feverishly scribbling in the next days schedule in each square. You were a busy girl, to busy in fact. You had final coming up, your parents at your heels nagging you about your grades (which were perfect but had to remain so if you were to stay in their good standings) your boss at your crummy part time job giving you heck again and just about everything else falling apart.

The only calm and normal part of your day was coming over to visit the turtles every Friday night as crazy as that sounds and being around them was a much needed breath of fresh air from the daily madness of your human life. You really didnt know how to relax though, that had always been your problem, no matter what everything seemed so overwhelming to you. You were high strung and had to have every detail accounted for in your daily schedule because you didnt know how to deal with distractions very well. You could thank your overbearing parents for that and the fact that the only time you felt worth anything was when you were showing off your straight A's to friends and family. You knew there had to be more to life then the never ending rat race of educational and economic competition but you still werent sure if you'd found it yet and once it appears, you were'nt even sure you'd recognize it.

Mikey knew when you were stressed out. Its like he had a six sense for it and not just the fact that you were sighing every few minutes as you went through your schedule again and again, trying to figure out a way to squeeze in another cram session so you didnt fail your finals. You werent going to fail for sure but anything less than a A was unnacceptable.

"Hey when are you gonna schedule some fun in that thing?" Mikey interrupted your thoughts.

"Huh, Fun? Whats that?" You joked sarcastically peeking up from your planner.

"You're too young to be this stressed out all the time. Hang loose for once." He said over his shoulder.

"You know how my family is with grades...." You reminded.

"Is it worth it if your unhappy all the time?"

"Happiness is secondary to progress." You pointed out.

Mikey let out a exhasperated sigh and stood up, dropping the controller onto the floor and marching up to you. He snatched the planner from your lap and threw it across the room.

"Mikey!? What the heck?!" You gasped as you tried to retrieve it but he caught you in his arms and hoisted you over his shoulders like a sack of potatoes. "What are you doing?!"

"Taking you some place where you dont have to think about grades and stuff like that." He grinned as he grabbed a trench coat, a long scarf and a hat as he walked you out of the lair.

A few subway train rides and about 1 hour later you were standing at the entrance of Coney Island with Mikey next to you in his trench coat disguise. You glanced at your watch which showed about 5pm and knew for the most part he was safe from prying eyes with dark coming pretty soon. Plus Coney Island was full of weirdos anyway, he just blended right in. You hadnt been to a amusement park in years, infact it was probably when you were 5 or 6 that you last set eyes on one. You didnt necessarily dislike them but it had been so long you werent really sure how to act in one either.

Mikey grabbed your hand and pulled you inside before you could protest. "Wanna get something to eat first or rides first?"

You looked around in a daze. "Ummmmmmmm..."

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