Michelangelo X Reader: Paternal Instincts

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tmnt (any versions! This is not series specific!) X reader (you!)
I do not own tmnt
No warnings, just fluffy fluff!

You and your turtle were out on a simple date. You had been together with Mikey for a few months now and you had no complaints. He was a very attentive guy and showered you with plenty of attention. His duties as a Ninja did make it a bit difficult for any night outings since he was usually on patrol after dark but tonight was quiet and he stole away a few hours to spend with you.

Now you two walked hand in hand down a quiet street, satiated from a italian dinner, and skipping happily along with him in his trench coat disguise and you in your jeans and tee. You made banter about the days events, some jokes and flirty words when a high squeaking sound caught your ear.

You stopped walking and looked around.

"What is it?" Mikey asked, seeing that you were distracted by something.

"Thought I heard something...." And then the high sound came again. "There it is again!"

"Sounds like a kitty." Mikey agreed and began to walk in the direction of the noise. He walked across the dead street to a garbage can and then searched around and near it.

"Awwww!!!!!" You heard him squeal and you ran over to see his discovery. Behind the can was a small box and inside was 3 very dirty and very hungry looking kittens staring up at you and your boyfriend with side frightened eyes. They hissed a bit as Mikey reached down and picked up the whole box with them inside.

"Poor things!" You said at their terrified little faces.

"We cant leave them here." Mikey said with deep concern in his eyes. He loved animals passionately and you knew his big heart couldnt take abandoning any if they needed help. The problem was, His father splinter would would never agree to having cats in the lair.

You scratched your head. "We can bring them back to my place. My family wont really care so long as I keep them in my room but we need to get some milk and a baby bottle for them."

About an hour later you two were back in your room which you snuck him into via your bedroom window and made sure to lock your door so your parents didnt walk in on you. Mikey set the kitties down on the floor as you brought a kettle of hot water for the baby formula and a towel to wrap them up in.

"Have you ever taken care of kittens before?" You asked Mikey who was preoccupied by the box of cuteness.

"Nope." He easily admitted.

"I had cats when I was a kid so I know a little....basically we need to keep them warm and well fed. So tonight they need to be fed every two hours and also they cant go to the bathroom on their own so we'll need to help them by rubbing a warm washcloth on their bums." You explained as you got the first bottle ready and sat down on the floor cross legged with your turtle across from you.

"hmmmm so does this mean I get to sleep over?" Mikey wiggled his brows at you.

Your heart skipped a beat. You and he had had you fair share of kissing and hugging but had never actually shared a bed before or made it past all the cute stuff but you knew he was to well brought up to ever push his luck on a girl. "Yeah i guess it does."

"So how do we do this?" He asked as you handed him the warm bottle of milk and a clean towel.

"Take one and wrap it up like a burrito so it doesnt claw at you then try to get it to suck on that." You instructed. He peeked into the box and reached for the tiniest black kitty that hissed and then mewed as he picked the little guy up and wrapped him like a new born baby. The minute the botle nipple met the little ones face he began to nip and bite at it before greedily taking it all into his mouth and feasting away.

Mikey's face was a glow with wonderment and care as he held the tiny animal in the palm of his hand and you couldnt help but smile at how perfect him and the kitten looked together.

"I need to wash up so do you think you can handle the other two?" You gestured to the box.

he smiled confidently. "I got this, no problem."

Lucky for you your bedroom had a connected private shower so you didn't have to risk opening you front door to your family. Mikey knew the drill though if anyone knocked or it sounded like someone was coming up the stairs so you left him alone and took a nice hot shower.

When you were done and dressed in your favorite pair of flannel PJs you silently peeked your head out the bathroom door to see how your boyfriend was handling the babies. He didnt seem to notice you and sat with the small bundle of fur in his arms and was talking softly to it. You couldnt really catch what he was saying but it sounded the way a parent would soothe a child to sleep. Too cute!

"How are they doing?" You asked as you came out rubbing a towel against your wet hair.

"Fed and happy!" He grinned as he set the last kitty back down in the box. They all huddled together in a nice kitty pile and were fast falling asleep with tummies full if warm milk.

You sat down at the end of your bed. "I never knew you had such good paternal instincts Mikey."

"Paterna what?" He raised one brow.

"What I meant was you would be a great father." You smiled.

"You really think so?" His face lit up like a christmas tree and he jumped onto the bed next to you. "Will you be the mommy?"

You had to laugh at that. "Sure. Lets have cute turtle human mutant baby kitties together!"

He wrapped his arms around you waist and pulled you down onto the bed so he could cuddle you. You nuzzled up to him and pulled the comforter up over both of you then switched off the small desk lamp next to your bed. The room went dark except the glow of the street lamps from outside your window as you both settled down.

There was an ackward silence between the two of you as you both laid there in each others arms.

You decided to break the silence first. "The kitties need to be fed again in about 3 hours...."

"I can do it. i dont mind." Mikey volunteered.

"You already fed them once." You laughed softly.

"But you have work tomorrow so you should focus on sleep."

"And you have ninja duties...." You argued back.

"Yeah but....I'm a guy and i should try to take care of you and the kitties. Because thats what real fathers do." He said sincerely.

You rolled over towards him so you could stare into his baby blue eyes. "You are always a ball of surprises. I never knew you could be so mature."

"I want to be...for you." He smiled.

You couldnt resist him and leaned in to kiss him. "You're the best boyfriend and kitty father a girl could ever ask for."

From the box beside your bed you heard a small mew as if sounding their approval. You both giggled at the cute reply and snuggled up to go to sleep.

TMNT X Reader One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora