Donatello X Reader: Tetnis Shot

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This is not version specific so please imagine Donatello how you like
I do not own tmnt
Tmnt x Reader (you!)
This one is a little racy, be prepared for some nose bleeds!
I hope that none of you ever experience a Tetnis shot, it seriously sucks. You get jabbed in the butt cheek and it feels like a charlie horse for days....

You were coming down the lair via the sewer manhole and making your way down the sloppy wet corridor and doing your best to avoid stepping on anything nasty. You were used to coming down a few days a week to visit your boyfriend Donnie but everytime you hit the sewer you cringed your nose, prayed for dear life and tried your best not to get any mess on you. Normally you were good at dodging stuff on the floor but tonight was just not your night.

Maybe it was because you decided to wear heels instead of sneakers for once. But hey, you wanted to impress your guy and you knew he was a sucker for long human legs.

Your toe hit something hard and it made you jolt a little so you lifted your foot only to have you shoe slip off and splash into the dirty water. Cursing yourself you reached down to grab it but lost balance and dropped your foot which you had been trying to hold up and felt something distinctly sharp and painful go through your sole. You squealed out loud as you lifted your foot again and saw a nasty rusty old nail protruding from your heel.

You stared at it for a moment before screaming out loud, grabbing your injured foot in both hands and jumping up and down in pain. The next thing you know a very tall and handsome familiar face appeared out of the darkness using an i phone as a flashlight in the dimly lit passage.

"(Y/N)! What the blazes....are you okay?!" Donnie asked as he ran over to you.

" I stepped on a nail!!!!" You cried as you fell into his arms and he scooped you up like baby. He looked over at your foot and could see the nail sticking out.

"Holy shell! Dont worry! I'll fix it up for you!" He said in sweet comforting voice and rushed you back to his lab where he set you down on the table and pulled out his med kit.

"Does it hurt?" He asked as you gasped for breath and tried to ride the pain out.

"Yeah it does!!!!" You said through clenched teeth. When he pulled out a clean syringe and a small bottle of something you darn near list it, you hated needles more than anything and would fight your own doctor off just to not get a vaccination. It took two nurses to hold you down the first time you had to get a shot.

"Okay this is Anesthetic, it will take away the pain." Donnie said as he lifted your foot in one hand and held the needle in the other.

"No way im letting you stick that thing into me!" You panicked and tried to struggle of the table but he held you foot tight making you seem like a struggling fish at the end of a hook as you flopped around.

"Its just a little prick, just a little prick." He cooed as he stuck the needle into you and out in the span of two seconds. Damn his was good with prickly things.

As the pain slowly disappeared into a nice tingly feeling and then nothingness your breathing normalized and you laid back on his table exhausted with you injured foot still in his hand.

"See, nothing to worry about." He smiled. "I have to put some iodine and bandage it up but....uh I have to warn you, you are going to need another shot."

Your head propped up instantly and your look was not happy. "What...?"

"That nail was rusty so you might get Tetnis...when was the last time you had a Tetnis booster?"

"Uh....never." You admitted.

"You really need one then." Don nodded to himself and took out a fresh bandage.

"You've got to be kidding me!" You squealed and covered your face with your hands.

" could always go to a hospital and get one if you dont want me to do it." He suggested as he bandaged your foot up.

"The last time they tried to give me a injection i punched the doctor."

"If you punch me I wont get mad." Don joked and tapped your foot to let you know it was done. You marveled at the nice layered gauze that caressed your damage foot and how he even tied it in a little bow around your ankle. It was so Donatello.

"Where does this shot go?" You sat up.

Donnie hesitated and a little blush colored his cheeks. "Um well...heres the thing, it has to go in your Gluteus Maximus."

You blinked twice at him. "My butt?"

"Like I said, you can always go to the hospital if it embarasses you." He shrugged.

You took a deep breath. "No its better if you do it, atleast you dont scare me the way guys in white do."

"Im glad to hear that." He gave you his sweetest smile.

"What do I need to do?"

"Just turn around and drop your pants so I can see part of lean over the table." He instructed as professionally as he could muster.

You felt your face getting hot. " I have to show all of my behind?"

"No you can keep you undies on, I just need a clear place to poke you."

You took in a very deep breath and turned around. " it." You reached for the waist of your jeans and unbuttoned the top as you pushed them down exposing your black lace thong and half your bottom.

Donnie stared at the nice round flesh as you bent over in a provocative pose and tried his best to prepare another injection with shaking hands. It suddenly felt uncomfortably hot in the lab. Though you two were an item you hadnt exactly made it past first base with each other yet.

"Whatever you do dont turn around" He warned knowing you would throw a fit if you saw the size of the needle he was using.

"Yes doctor." You joked as you rested your head on your forearms.

He gulped as he loomed over your backside with his needle at the ready but took a few seconds to oogle at your lady curves before pinching the flesh of your right butt check in his fore finger and thumb causing you to make a small noise as he put the needle in a painlessly as possible.

"Hold your breath, this is gonna feel funny." He warned.

As the liquid passed from the needle to your bum you felt a burning sensation over the spot that quickly turned into a bruising like pain that spread over your entire ass cheek. You screamed into your arms as he pulled the needle out and rubbed the area in small circles to ease the pain.

"Im sorry that hurt you sweety." He said over and over again as you cried crocodile tears into your arms. "You want me to kiss it better?"

You lifted your head with pissed off eyes and glared at him. "Shell yeah I do."

He gave you a funny look. "Wait I was just joking!"

Judging by how your look never changed you were. "You poke me twice with needle and expect me to be okay with it? Pucker up buttercup!"

He looked back and forth to see if anyone was watching and then turned back to your still exposed bum. The black lace thong becoming all too attention consuming to him. He swallowed hard and tried to reason with himself but as if your bum had magical hypnotizing powers he found himself kneeling down behind you so that his face was level with your waist line. He leaned in and planted a very soft kiss over the lump which was now forming under your skin that felt like a nasty charlie horse.

The front door of the lab suddenly swung open and Leo stood in the doorway with the most interesting expression of bewilderment when he saw how you were bent over the table and Don was hovering behind you with a big needle still in his hand.

Both your heads turned towards him with horrified and embarrassed faces as you all stood in silence.

"Im...totally interrupting something arent I?" Leo finally broke the silence and then quickly backed out the door and closed it.

TMNT X Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now