Chapitre Quatre

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You: You guys are probably wondering about my name, aren't you??? 😐

Trapp Master: To be honest with ya, sort of... 😁

You: Well, my name is Flora...

Lens-Cap: Well, you told us that you're from Spain... 🇪🇸

You: Ja?

Basti: What part of Spain??

You: I'm actually from Germany, but I live in Spain due to my job.... 🇩🇪

J-Drax: What part of Deutschland, Flora? 😮

You: I'll give you one clue...

Sticky Reus: Yeah. 😳

You: I'm from a city in the Nordrhine-Westphalia....

Captain Lahm: Uhhh, Düsseldorf?? 😟

You: Nope.

Mario Kart: Dortmund?

The Twin: Leverkusen! 😁

You: Ding-ding! Lars, you are correct!  I am from Leverkusen but my parents were from Dortmund though.

The Other Twin: HTH did you know, Lars!?

You: I actually used to work for medical team of Bayer Leverkusen before I got moved to Barcelona. Sooo, I know Lars and Bernd from that experience....

Lens-Cap: Oh yeah, I remember you now! I still remember when Hakan and Lars were fighting over you...

The Twin: You're dead meat, Leno! 😡

Lens-Cap: Hahahahah, You had to tell her soon, Bender!

The Other Twin: Who, me? 😕

Flora: Thanks for the info. 😳

Schürrle: Where the heck's Lahm and Müller??

*Poldi has sent a picture*

MAtS: Oh god no. Not again!

Manu: Stop giving your phone to Müller, Poldi!

Poldi: It's actually Matthias and Erik on Poldi's phone 😁

J-Drax: I'm done with this 😡Max, hold my hoops! 💍

Maxi Meyer: Bro, you don't even wear earrings. And 2nd, you're in Wolfsburg and I'm in Gelsenkirchen!

Leo Goretzka: This is just getting weirder and weirder....

Kroos Ship: Max? Leon? What're you doing on here? 😳

Maxi Meyer: Oh, Marco added us... You seen the picture that "Poldi" sent?

Kroos Ship: OMG, Julian! Were you seriously that hungry during that match? 

J-Drax: .....

Poldi: Alright, I'm changing my passcode!

Müller: To what, 123456?

Poldi: .....Dang it!

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