Chapter Nine

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AN: I'm just splitting my time right now as I was writing this between HW, writing this chapter, and eating Nutella (Don't tell Manu)! Hope you guys enjoy this chapter! And from this point on, I'll sort of be helping out die Mannschaft and Flora on why Marco and Erik are currently in a feud as a character, but I'll still keep whatever POV this is... Bis später leute! - Priya 😀




"Alright, you got us to come here, Lars..." Mesut dropped on the couch, resting his head on the couch pillow.

"I just came here from Mönchengladbach, which is where I flew into earlier today from Barça... Oh hey, Flora!" Marc-André grumbled, shuffling himself on the couch between Marco and Mario. 

*Knock Knock*

"I'll get it!" Lars stood up from loveseat, walking up to the door. 

He opened the door to reveal a familiar face that he knew.

"Priya! So glad you can help us, and thank you for traveling all the way from Dortmund to Leverkusen to help us with this...." Lars hugged her. He made way for her to enter the room before he dragged her to the living room.

"Hear ye, hear ye! I have another member that I'd like to introduce you to!" Lars smirked, pushing Priya in front of him. "This is Priya, my girlfriend who lives in Dortmund and works along with Flora..."

"Hello everyone! I don't have much to say, but, except for that I'm excited to work with you guys." Priya smiled, before taking a seat on the chair adjacent from where Lars, Bernd, and Julian B. sat on a sofa together.

"First things first, does anyone have any ideas of how we could solve this issue?" Philipp rolled in a whiteboard from the other room,  writing down the suggestions given to him. 

"How about we steal their phones and read their messages?" Thomas suggested before Philipp gave him a death glare. 

"Do you seriously want to deal with an angry Reus and Durm? And face jail time?" Philipp shot back before Kevin and Bernd blurted out at the same time. 

"How about we split up into 2 teams..." Bernd started before Kevin cut him off. 

"1 team 'spies' on Marco while the other 'spies' on Erik..." Kevin looked up at Philipp, biting his lip in nervousness. 

"Go on, Trapp.." Sven urged him to go on, "What did you and Leno have in mind?"

"Well... It's like Priya and Lars are the 'captains' of 'Operation Reus: Team Bender' and Flora and Thomas are the 'captains' of 'Operation Durm: Team Müller'?"

"Ok, so Priya and Lars..." Philipp started to write on the whiteboard, "Who would you like on your team?"

"Well besides Lars and I, we'll choose Mesut, Manuel, Bernd, Kevin, you, Max, Brandt, Sven, and Toni..." Priya smiled, watching Philipp write down the roster for "Operation Reus".

"So that leaves Mario, Thomas, Bastian, Leon, Draxler, Jerome, André, Lukas, and Marc-André for 'Operation Durm'..." Philipp finished writing down the rest of the names. 

We all nodded our heads before Bastian spoke up, "Reus' team, you guys go to Frankfurt, where he is currently right now. We'll go to Dortmund, where Erik's healing from his surgery..."

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