Kapitel Elf - Operation Durm

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Basti: Aww, Lars got engaged to Priya! :')

Mes: I'm happy for the two of them but we're in Dortmund to seek for Erik!

Boat: He FINALLY did it!? 😁

Flora: Mein gott, we're here for ERIK, people!!

Schürrle: We'll congratulate them later guys!

J-Drax: Alright, we'll drop MAtS, Basti, Thomas, and Flora at his apartment. The rest of us'll stake out in the van.

Poldi: Aye aye Captain!


Matze: Just text us if anything happens...




"ERIK DURM! OPEN UP, IT'S MAtS, Basti, Flora, and me!" Thomas banged his fist against Erik's apartment door. "We gotta talk to you about something!"

Erik got on his crutches, wobbling to the front door to the front door to see 4 of his friends, looking at him with a look of seriousness.

"We got a lot to talk about, Durm..." Bastian turned off the lights before opening his iPhone's flashlight. "And we got a whole lot of time!"




"When did this feud with Marco begin?" Thomas sternly looked at him, but Erik was still not budging.

"Kann ich sprechen Flora privat?" (Can I talk to Flora privately?) Erik avoided eye contact with his die Mannschaft teammates.

They reluctantly went to the stake-out van, leaving Erik and Flora in peace.

"Was ist los mit Ihnen und Reus? Ich muß wißen, Erik!" (What is going on with you and Reus? I need to know, Erik!) Flora raised her voice a bit, making Erik stare into her eyes. "Bitte Erik, sag mir... Wenn Sie nicht sagen mir, Ihrem arbeit starten wird in Gefahr..." (Please Erik, tell me... If you don't tell me, your starting job is going to be in jeopardy...)

"Ich kann Ihnen nicht sagen, Flora! Ich kann nicht!" (I can't tell you, Flora! I can't!) Erik burst out, starting to tear up. "Ich werde einfach unsere Freundschaft ruinieren" (I'm just going to ruin our friendship!)

"Erik, just tell me... bitte." Flora begged him to spill, tears threatening to fall from her eyes. "I need to know."

Erik took a shaky breath, "Marco and I are in a fight... Because we both like you... As in more than friends."

Flora looked at him sympathetically, "Why didn't you just tell me, Erik? Why?"

"Because I knew that we were going to make you quit your job and move somewhere else!"

"Oh Erik, no! You guys aren't going to make me move somewhere else! I need to know this, Erik!"

"You're right... I'm sorry that I hid that from you..."

"Ich vergebe dir. Just tell me these things from now on, Erik..." (I forgive you) Flora smiled before turning the lights on. "I'll see you in training in a few days, ok?"

"Yeah, I'll see you then!" Erik smiled before waving goodbye.




"I don't believe it... Erik and Marco like you at the same time?" Lukas gasped in surprise.

"Neither can I..." Flora sighed, making Schweinsteiger look at her.

"What are you going to do about it, Flora?" Basti asked Flora, making her think.

"I don't know what I'm going to do, guys... I don't know..."

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