Love Always

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Chapter 12

Mark and I ended up staying for a month in Cincinnati.  We left his mothers house, and managed to live together in his small apartment. Slowly but surely, we began to pack up. Today, however, was a very different kind of day. Mark and his friends from Cyndago were going to be filming a few sketches. After waking up, eating breakfast, taking a shower and drying my hair, I got dressed. While I stood in front of my small section in the closet, in my bra and undies, Mark knocked on the door to his room.
"ARE YOU NAKED!?" He yelled playfully.
"No! But I'm not dressed either!" I yelled back. I knew his friends would be here at any moment, so I needed to hurry up and pick an outfit.
"Wear something cute!" He said as he opened the door just enough to stick his lips through.
Mark puckered his lips, and in an obnoxious voice began to sing to me.
"Ohhh my baby darlin'. You are my liiiiightt! Alsooooo I think the dogggggyyyyy hasssss toooooo peeeeeee .... Brb"

After Marks beautiful solo, he left to take Tucker outside to pee. I turned back to my closet and pulled out an outfit. A dark green jacket, a white knee length dress, and some combat boots. After getting dressed, I quickly did my makeup, and straightened my hair. When I was done, Mark was just getting back with Tucker. I walked out of the bedroom, and greeted Tucker with open arms. Mark, Tucker and I played tag around the apartment, until we heard a knock at our door. Mark stopped playing, and went to answer the door. When he opened it, he was greeted by the Cyndago boys. He pulled them into giant bear hugs, before letting go and coming to introduce me.
"Daniel, Ryan, this is my girlfriend Laurel." He said as he placed a hand on the small of my back. I held out my hand and shook each of theirs.
"It's a pleasure to meet you." Daniel said.
"Yeah, Mark hasn't shut up about you." Ryan laughed. I laughed too.
"Well I hope it's all good." I said.
The boys stood around for a few minutes, before I began to leave the house so they could film.
"Well, I'll be ... Out. Have fun filming boys! If you plan to have sex, please don't use my good undies for foreplay!" I laughed.
Everyone erupted with laughter. I grabbed my phone, and began walking to door.
Mark cut me off before I got there. He picked me up and spun me around. I playfully screamed as I was twirled around. Tucker began to bark at Marks feet. Laughter escaped everyone's lips again. Mark set me down, and rough housed with Tucker. My smile grew even wider.
"Don't be silly, you're filming with us!" Ryan exclaimed. I looked over at Ryan.
"Me?" I questioned.
Ryan and Daniel both nodded.
"Oh ok!" I stated happily.
"Let me gather up extra batteries, then we can head out." Mark said before walking to his bedroom.
A moment later, Mark came back with a small back pack filled with batteries. Mark grabbed my hand and we began to run down the hallway, away from our apartment.  Ryan and Daniel followed behind, after closing our door. We all made our way to a secluded park, and began to set up the equipment.
Daniel handed me his phone, to read over the plot and script of the sketch, while Ryan and Mark set up equipment and scouted locations. Once I had finished reading, I was a bit confused.
"Am I a crazy psycho girlfriend?" I asked.
"Yup!" Ryan yelled from a ways away.
"And I'm engaged to Daniel, but I'm dating Mark, then I end up with Ryan?" I question.
"Yes Ma'am!" Daniel beamed.
"Okie dokie then," I smiled, slightly laughing at how crazy this video seemed.
10 minutes passed, before Daniel and I got to our spots. Before Ryan began to film, Ryan explained to me that this sketch was sort of a prequel to the Danger in Fiction sketch, which they had made a year earlier. I smiled widely. I loved the Danger in Fiction sketch.
"Ready?" called Ryan
"Ready!" We yelled. Ryan began to film, and we began to walk like a happy couple.
For the next thirty minutes, Daniel and I acted like an adorable couple in love. Next, Mark and I acted for awhile like a couple, but it wasn't very hard. We then filmed a few different shots of a scene where Daniel sees me with Mark, being all loving. Mark and Daniel then proceeded to have a battle, about who should win my heart. All while they were "battling" I was standing to the side of them. Ryan paned the camera, so you could see that I was watching Ryan as he entered the frame. Ryan and Daniel switched places, so Ryan could get in the shot. We filmed me leaving Mark and Daniel, and running over to Ryan. Then we filmed Ryan and I doing cute things through out the park. We filmed us eating a picnic. As we sat on the blanket, I had to pull out a gun, and convince Ryan to kill both Mark and Daniel. Ryan eagerly took the gun, and shot his friends.
wi gun. We took a few minutes to get the shot perfect, until it was time to get covered in fake blood splatters. Ryan made sure to add the perfect amount, then he filmed me smiling creepily at the camera. Ryan and I skipped out of the park with a smile on our faces.
Ryan then went back to filming, and he did a close up on Mark. He filmed him being dead, then at the very last moment, his eyes opened. Hinting that he wasn't in fact dead.

At the end of the day, which ended around 12pm, we all headed back to the apartment, and had a giant lunch. It was delicious. Ryan, Daniel and Mark watched a movie on the couch in the living room, while I called my Dad, Burnie Burns, and got caught up on life back in Austin. It was great hearing my dads voice. I missed him a lot. I couldn't wait to see him again. Around 3pm, after Ryan had begun to edit the video we had just shot, he stood up abruptly and announced that we had to go back and film a bit more of Mark and I being adorable together. I was caught off guard, but I went along with it. I had gotten cleaned up earlier, and Ryan made sure not to get and fake blood on my white dress, so everything was alright. We all packed into Marks car, and went back to the park. For awhile, Mark and I walked around aimlessly, trying to make the video seem real. Ryan had told us that it was ok if we talk, because he would edit it out later. Mark and I walked around the park, talking of anything and everything. Soon we got on the topic of me being fake engaged to Daniel.
"Laurel, I can't take it anymore." Mark stated with a serious expression. My heart clenched up. Was he breaking up with me?
"I can't take it that you're fake engaged to another man. Being my girlfriend isn't enough." He continued. I was beyond confused. Mark got down on one knee, reached on his pants pocket, pulled out a diamond ring and smiled up at me.
My mouth fell open, my eyes filled with tears, and my heart swelled to be a million times bigger.
"Laurel Burns, will you find the blacksmith with me?" He asked with that god damn cheesy smile that instantly made my heart melt.
"Of course I will!" I beamed. Mark slid the ring on my ring finger, then he stood up. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him into the tightest hug, I've ever given. Mark wrapped his arms around my waist, and spun me around. When he set me down, he looked over at the Cyndago boys, and gave them a thumbs up. I turned around and smiled at them. They were in on it. I knew it. I let go of Mark, and ran towards the boys. I hugged them both, and I even kissed the cameras lens. Today was one of the the best days in my entire life.

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