Everything's Alright

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Chapter 14
Everything's alright

Mark and I had been married for 2 and a half years now. We've been through thick and thin. We moved out of Cincinnati, we moved out of Austin and into LA. We lost Tucker a few months into begin married. It crushed me not to have a dog around. Mark hit 5 million subscribers, then 6, then 7, then 8 million. We moved around a lot due to fans figuring out who we were and stalking us in our homes. We moved in with the Cyndago boys. We lost Daniel together, we grieved with Ryan and Matt. We each took time to deal with this significant loss. We both came back to LA stronger than ever.

8 months before losing Daniel, I found out I was pregnant. Today was the day that our baby was born. It was a casual day, of Mark being at the Grumps office, while I was vlogging about baby things. Around lunch time, my stomach and lower abdomen began to hurt, like cramps. I knew something was happening. I let it slide until dinner, when Mark came home. We ate dinner, then watched a movie. Half way through the movie, I felt my water break.
"Shit" I whispered.
"Baby?" Mark asked
"We have to go." I stated.
Matt and Ryan rushed around gathering everything we would know. Mark helped me into the car, and soon we all began our hospital. Six hours later, I held a beautiful baby boy in my arms. Every morning of vomiting into the toilet, and having strange ass cravings was totally worth it.
"Does he have a name?" Ryan asked as he stood at the foot of the bed with Matt. Mark was next to me looking down at our son. I licked my lips before speaking.
"Daniel Ryan Fishbach."
"It's perfect." Mark stated as he kissed my forehead.
Ryan patted Matt on the back.
"Don't worry, they'll use your name next time." He chuckled softly. Matt smiled.
Matt and Ryan went home that morning to get some sleep. They'd be back later in the day.
"You chose a perfect name." Mark told me once the nurses had taken Daniel away. Mark curled up on the uncomfortable couch and tried to sleep.
"It felt like the right thing to do. " I stated.
"Daniel would feel very honored." Mark said.
"I know he would. Ryan was very humbled as well." I smiled as I closed my eyes to sleep.
"I love you." Mark mumbled as we fell asleep.
A week later we took Daniel home with us. It was perfect. I couldn't have asked for a better family.

Thank you all so much for reading! I love this story so much. It's made my heart swell and the tears fall. I love it! I love Mark, Daniel, Ryan and everyone in between. It's been an amazing ride. Thank you. I have another Markiplier story coming out very soon, so look out for that!!
Ok - real talk - I wasn't planning on putting this up. But I feel like it should be up and out there for the entire world to read. I miss Daniel as much as the next guy, this is how I've learned to move on. This is how I'm going to honor his memory. If anyone has a problem with this chapter, then please let me know. I will take it down if you don't like it. I love you all!

October 31st,2015

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