Prop Hunt

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Chapter 3 Prop Hunt

Hannah looked at me. I could feel her gaze on me as I continued to ignore her.

"Alright. What is it?" I asked as I turned my head to look at her.

"I can't believe you're so calm! I would be freaking out. "The markiplier " asked you out!" Hannah whisper yelled. I laughed at her. "He's just a normal guy. Plus you Hannah Haywood are married. " I exclaimed.

"That's not the point. Youve got a perfectly hot guy falling into your grasp yet you aren't catching him." She said. " maybe I wanna be single." I said

"Bullshit you've been complaining about being single." Hannah stated as she sat on the table behind the photos and prints table. "Fine I'll give him a chance." I said.

Hannah clapped her hands and reached out to pet Tucker.

A few minutes passed and Hannah continued to pet Tucker. "You wanna be my guest for the panel tomorrow?" I asked. "Oh hell yes!!" Hannah screamed.

For the next hour I signed,hugged and greeted all my fans. 5 pm rolled around and we decided to call it a day. The AH guys were done for the day, so Ryan said we could go home. We were walking out the door to the car when I heard someone calling my name.


I stopped and trying to see who's calling my name. I saw Mark and two other people walking up to me. I became a little nervous.

"Hey Mark."I smiled at them. Mark walked up to me and gave me a hug. "I wanted to uhh give you my number." He said shyly. I turned towards Hannah and Ryan. "You guys can head to the car I'll be there in a minute." I told them. Hannah and Ryan nodded and began to walk to the car. I turn back to Mark and his friends. I knelt down and set Tucker on the ground as I fished on my phone from my knee-high boot. I handed it to Mark and he began to punch in his number. Then Tucker nipped at his heel and cause Mark to step into me. "OW!"Mark said while his friends laughed at him.

"Tucker! dammit I'm so sorry he's usually so nice!" I said embarrassed. "I think he's trying to play matchmaker." joked the man with a W on his shirt. "Not funny Wade! My heel really hurts."Mark exclaimed.

"good job Tucker"said the pudgy guy with glasses. "what!? Bob not you too!" Mark fake whined.

I began to laugh out of embarrassment. I picked up Tucker and bopped him on the nose. "are you trying to play matchmaker?" I asked as he began to wiggle and lick my face as if he were a puppy.

"Tucker calm down, you're... you're too old for this you need to come down." I laughed. "how old is Tucker?" Wade asked.

"he's 10 years old." I said as I rubbed his neck.

"Can I hold him?" Bob asked.

I nodded and handed Tucker over.

"How was your day?" Mark asked once his friends were distracted. "Pretty good." I stated.Before Mark could continue I had to apologize for being a complete creep.

"hey listen I'm really sorry for being such a creep yesterday. You just happen to be in the right place at the wrong time." I said rambling.

"it's no problem I'm glad I could helped you. Hey listen do you play prop hunt by any chance?" Mark asked with a sly smile. "Occasionally. why do you ask?" I countered.

"Would you like to play with me Bob and Wade tonight like around 7-ish?" Mark asked.

"Sure I should be home by then. " I said smiling like an idiot.

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