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Chapter 13

Today was the day. I couldn't be happier. It seemed that only yesterday I was at RTX 2013. Everything about that day was imprinted in my memory. I would never forget that day. Never.  Today, I would be marrying my best friend. I was ecstatic. Mark and I had planned this beautiful wedding down in Austin. It was autumn themed. It was gorgeous. Hannah helped me pick out my wedding dress. It was a beautiful lace dress that hugged my body, then flared out at my knees. My hair was curled and slightly wavy. My make up was subtle yet beautiful. I couldn't be happier.
I woke up early this morning, and spent my entire day getting ready with Hannah. She was a blubbering idiot for half of it.
When we arrived at the venue, we had about two hours before the wedding ceremony would occur. Hannah and I sat around talking about the good old days, and reminiscing on how I met my future husband. I remembered how I was dressed and how I had been harassed by some weirdo. I remember Mark being in the right spot at the right time. He was my knight in shining armor... or my man with a pink mustache. I remembered how we played Prop Hunt the night we met. I remembered how I was on his panel, and how he called me his girlfriend. Then I remembered how Tucker had taken such a liking to Mark.
I remembered everything about those few days at RTX. It was amazing.
Hannah looked at her watch and beamed.
"Only half an hour to go!"
"Oh god!" I said nervously.
For the next 15 minutes, we did final touch ups to my dress and make up.
My Dad, Burnie Burns, came in a while after my final touch ups. He was dressed in a dark suit. He looked handsome. His eyes watered when they saw me.
"Woah!" he commented.
"My princess is all grown up." He chuckled as he wiped away a tear. I stood up from the chair I was sitting in, and went to hug him. His strong protective arms engulfed me in a fatherly hug.
"I love you Dad." I smiled.
"I love you too baby girl." he replied.
Hannah came back and told us to get to our places. She ran a head and got in her position next to her husband, Ryan.
My dad held out his arm, and looped it so I could place my hand inside of it. I eagerly took his arm and headed out the door with him. My heart was beating at a million miles a minute. My palms were a bit sweaty. We stopped outside the doors to the ceremony. I could hear everyone mingling and talking. We had a few moments before I would be given away to my best friend, and partner in crime. My dad turned towards me and smiled. Tears formed in his eyes again.
"I love you sweetheart. I wish your mom could have been here to see this. She'd be so proud of you." He said wiping another tear from his eyes.
"I love you too Daddy. I wish mom was here too." I said as a tear escaped my eye. My dad wiped it away and smiled at me. We hugged tightly before pulling away.
"Let's get this wedding on the road." He laughed. I smiled brightly at him.
We turned towards the doors as the generic wedding music began to play. We opened the doors, and began down the isle. I kept my eyes on the floor. I didn't want to see Mark, until I was closer. I smiled at my friends and family members as we headed down the isle. When we were a few feet away from the alter, I looked up at Mark. He was beaming. He had the largest smile on his face. I felt my cheeks hurt from smiling so much. I blushed as I took in Marks outfit. He was dressed in a suit, complimented with a pink rose and a small pink mustache wrapped around it. Mark looked absolutely handsome. My Dad handed me off to Mark, and kissed my cheek. I clung to Marks arms as we walked towards the alter.
We managed to get through all the boring crap, before we grew into old age. We exchanged rings and we exchanged vows, that touched not only ourselves but our family and friends as well.
"Sweetheart, I knew from the moment you pretended to be my girlfriend, I knew you were the one for me. I knew that when I announced that you were my girlfriend at my panel, I knew my life would be changed for good. When I asked Daniel and Ryan to help me propose to you, I knew I'd be in love with you until the end of my days. I love you." Mark expressed to me, as a few years fell from his eyes.
"Mark, you were placed in my life to save me. Had you not been in the right place at the right time, I would have been in deep shit. You make smile like I haven't done in a long time. You are everything and more that I could have asked for. I love you so much." I said.
The priest told us we could kiss, and that's what we did.
When we pulled away everyone cheered. Mark and I walked down the isle and into a small room for our reception party. It felt amazing to be married to my best friend.
We danced, mingled and had a fabulous time. Towards the end of the night, I ran into Mi-ku, Edward and Ada.
"Oh! You look lovely my dear." complimented Edward.
"Thank you, you look rather dashing yourself." I replied.
"We're so proud of you Mark." Commented Ada as she hugged him.
"Welcome to the family Laurel, we expect our family to grow even more now." Smiled Mi-Ku. I blushed at her words.
"It will mom, don't worry." mumbled Mark.
We said goodbye to Marks family, then went to find my dad to tell him goodbye.
"Oh baby girl! I'm so proud of you. So is your mother." He said as he hugged me. I hugged my dad for a long time. We said goodbye to my dad, were about to leave, when I ran into Hannah.
"Can I just say, you've married the coolest dude on the planet!? He's my hero and you're my best friend. It's the perfect combination. I've seen you at your worst, and I've seen you at your best. You and Mark are made to be together. I love you." Hannah said as she held me close.
"I love you too Hannah. I can't thank you enough for forcing me to go back and talk to Mark. You are the best friend I've ever had." I said as I hugged her.
"Alright. Get going. Go have that rocking wedding night sex." she giggled. I blushed as I headed out the door to the car.
I hopped in and Mark drove away. I waved to everyone as we drove away.
Mark and I drove back to my apartment. We sat on my black leather sofa, and decided to vlog a short video. Mark pulled out his phone and hit the record button.
"Hello everyone! My name is Markiplier and I'm here with my wife, Mrs. Iplier." He laughed a bit.
"We just wanted to inform our fans that the wedding was amazing, and it's literally right after our reception, so we've got to go to bed." Mark wiggled his eyebrows.
"We love you all. Bye-bye!" Mark said as he ended the video. He quickly edited it on his phone then uploaded it to YouTube. Once it was done uploading, Mark tossed his phone to the floor and attacked me with kisses. Those kisses became more and more passionate until they led to amazing sex. I fell asleep next to my best friend, my lover and my husband.
"Mark?" I questioned in the dark quite room of my apartment.
"Yes love?" He asked in a sleepy voice.
"I love you. " I said as I snuggled into him.
"And I, you." He said as he kissed my forehead and held me close.

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