Chapter 1

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Nobody wants to hear you sing about tragedy

I listened to music as I walked home from school. Kicking a rock, I sighed for what felt like the millionth time that day. The names stuck in my head like open wounds, never healing properly. Emo freak, weirdo, ugly, all of them. Not one of them having any plan of leaving. Though I was becoming used to it, I never fully understood why they had to say those things about me. I only went there to learn, and they had to spoil that too.

My thoughts continued as I arrived home and unlocked the door. My mom was home, but I ignored her and headed straight for my room, music still blasting. She had become used to my behaviour and learned not to bother me. I just wanted to be alone, and she understood that.

When I entered my room, I threw my bag on the floor and lied down on my bed. I knew I had homework, but I was just not in the mood to do anything. All I did was curl up into a ball and listen to the lyrics. My eyes were closed and I got lost in the music, listening to Patrick Stump's heavenly voice. Listening to them always calmed me down, even in the hardest of times.

I was interrupted by a knock on my door. I pulled one of my headphones out of my ears and looked at the door.

"Yeah?" I called out.

"Dinner's ready," My dad answered. I looked at the clock and saw I had spent more time lying down than I thought.

" 'Kay!" I paused the song and went to my door. Opening it, I made my way downstairs and into the dining room. I sat down with my family and we began to eat. My dad began to talk about his work and my mom responded to him about her day. My brother added a few words here and there, but I remained silent as usual. Dinner ended shortly and we all cleared our plates off the table. I quietly made my way back to my room and closed the door behind me. Once me headphones were back in, I began my homework for the night and remained in my room. But there was this constant feeling I had that I couldn't figure out what it was. Like something good would happen and would change my life forever. It lingered throughout the night and was the last thing I thought about before falling asleep.

~The Next Day~

When I arrived at school, I headed straight for my locker. Blocking out the rest of the school with my headphones, I put everything away and played on my phone until the bell rang. My game was interrupted when my headphones were ripped out of my ears and thrown to the floor. Peyton and her friends walked away, laughing. That girl had always tortured me, especially when she found out the music I listened to.

I picked up my headphones as the bell rang and grabbed my books for first period. Let's see what happens today.

My first three classes were nothing special. Just me sitting by myself, doing my work. I had no friends so I was never the one to talk in class. Even if someone did try to talk to me, they would find me weird and back off.

During lunch, I sat under a tree outside. I wasn't hungry enough to eat anything so I left my lunch sit in my locker. Sighing, I leaned my head back against the tree and closed my eyes. Just one more class, just one more class. I was already done with the school day and was ready to go home. Unfortunately my last class was with Peyton, so I'd have to sit through her comments. She always made fun of me for the most random things. I wasn't able to do a fancy braid? She would laugh and tell me it's easy, that I'm just not doing it right.  It wasn't even like she was an amazing hair stylist, just as good as anyone else. So who was she to judge me?

"Listening to your morbid music again?" A familiar, high pitched voice interrupted my thoughts.

"Yup," I simply answered.

"What are you, emo? Oh wait," She trailed off, her friends laughing.

"Can I help you with anything? Or did you just come here to annoy me? Because you're doing a wonderful job."

"No one likes you, you better know that. You're just another living waste of space in this school." She scoffed and rolled her eyes before spinning on her heel and walking away.

"Well then," I mumbled. The bell rang, signalling the end of lunch. I walked back to my locker and grabbed my folder and instrument before heading to the music room. Peyton was already seated in her spot when I walked in. I kept my head down low and walked to my spot on the other side of the room. Once my instrument was put together, we all started to warm up before our teacher started class.

"Good afternoon class, we'll start with the Bb concert scale!"

And so, class began. It went well for the first part, but then my teacher had to bring up our playing tests.

"I looked over your playing tests you recorded, and I'm very pleased with everyone's results."

"Let me guess, Rachel got 100%?" Peyton spoke. I shrunk in my seat, knowing I really did get 100%. The teacher ignored her comment, but I didn't forget it. Class continued more slowly, and eventually it was over. I quickly made my way out of the classroom and to my locker. Trying to avoid Peyton, I shoved my necessary books in my bag and went to my bus right away. I was lucky to avoid her and I sighed in relief when I sat down. People started filling the bus and I put my headphones in. I watched out the window as we started driving and made our way through the stops. One by one, people were dropped off and finally it was my turn. I thanked the bus driver and started walking to my house.

I couldn't help but wonder what that feeling was, and why it was still there. It had been in my mind throughout the day, and I was starting to wonder if it would come true. But knowing my luck, it would never happen. Nothing special ever happened in my life.

Boy, was I wrong.

Hello and welcome to my story I guess

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