Chapter 3

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The only thing worse than not knowing, is you thinking that I don't know

We sat down at a booth and were given our menus. The waitress took our drink orders first, before leaving us to decide.

"You know what you're getting?" He asked me.

"Plate of wings and a side caesar," I replied.

"That sounds good, I'll get that too." He piled our menus at the side of the table and waited for the waitress to come back. Soon she came with our drinks and took our orders, and took our menus with her when she left.

"So, tell me about your life," he said.

"You sound like a therapist," I simply stated.

"Tell me, how do you feel?" He joked.

"What were the thoughts running through your head as this happened?" I did the same. We laughed and then I started to answer his original question.

"I don't know what to say. My life isn't that interesting."

"What were your interests?"

"I started dance when I was around 3, and I loved it. I was asked to be on the competitive team and was on it up until the dance school closed."

"Did you enjoy being on the dance team?"

"At first I did. It was just all about dance, which was what I was there for. But then I started getting bullied, so it wasn't fun anymore. Once the dance school closed, I stopped dancing and gave up. I found new interests."

"Girls are mean, no offence. But they get real bad."

"Tell me about it," I said and took a sip of my drink.

"What were your new interests," he asked, changing the topic a bit.

"I joined a theatre group and found that I still loved being on stage. I wasn't just dancing anymore, I got to act and sing. Been in shows ever since."

"So you're a theatre kid now."

"Yup," I popped the 'p'.

"What shows have you been in?"

"I've been in a lot. But some of them were 'Annie', 'A Christmas Carol', 'Peter Pan', 'The Secret Garden', and 'Beauty and the Beast'," I answered him.

"And you enjoyed all these?"

"I did, and still do. I don't know, I just feel comfortable on stage. It doesn't matter what I'm doing, as long as I'm there. You know what I mean?"

"Yeah, I got you. I'll have to see this one day."

"You'll have to." I took another sip of my drink and looked around the room.

"You watch T.V at all?"

My head whipped back to him as I answered. "Heck yeah I do!" He chuckled at my response and twirled his glass around.

"What type of shows do you watch?"

"I like the so-called nerd shows. My favourite is Sherlock. But I also love Doctor Who and all the spin-off shows of Marvel." He put his fist out and I pounded it with a smirk on my face.

"I'm guessing you like the nerd type movies too?" He asked.

"Heck yeah, man! My favourite movie is Avengers, but I love all the other Marvel movies too. Lord of the Rings is also amazing! Uh, yeah. That's all I can think of from the top of my head."

"Serious question, Lord of the Rings or Hobbit?"

"Pfft, Lord of the Rings is by far better." He slowly looked up at me with wide eyes.

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