Chapter 6

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Lights will guide you home

I let out a sigh of relief as I finally took a seat on the plane. The morning had been spent finishing my packing and saying goodbye to the family I grew up with. It was a bittersweet moment as I left my life behind, but I knew it was for the better.

"You got everything?" Joe asked me as he sat down.

"Yeah, think so," I answered him.

"Have you been on a plane before?"

"Yeah, I did a lot of dance competitions when I was younger and had to travel for it. They're not my favourite thing in the world, but I don't mind them."

"Good, I don't want you throwing up on here," he cringed.

"Glad to hear your concern," I chuckled.

The pilot came over the speaker and announced everything about the flight. I watched out the window as the plane took off into the clouds. Once things started to settle down, I curled up into the seat and closed my eyes.

"Are you seriously going to fall asleep already?" Joe questioned.

"I enjoy my sleep," I stated.

"Can you enjoy it while doing math?"

"Well, usually my sleep time is during that class so I never actually hear anything. No idea what you mean by that, though."

He chuckled instead of answering my question and I tried to drift off. A few minutes later, I heard whispering in my ear.


I hid my face from him and kept my eyes closed.

"Shut up," I mumbled.

"Length times width," he leaned closer into my ear.

"I will smack you."

"Don't want to hear formulas?"

"Not during sleep time."

I curled up into a ball and continued with my nap. After being annoyed by all the noise on the plane, I put in my earphones and fell asleep with my music.

Joe's Pov:

*How's everything going over there?* Marie texted me.

*Still waiting on the final word. Should be in soon.* I decided that I would surprise her with Rachel when we got home. She didn't know anything about us flying out already.

*I really hope they let us be her parents again.*

*I do too. She's too good of a kid.*

I looked over at her and smiled at how peaceful she looked. I couldn't wait to bring her home to Marie and Ruby. Our family would finally be complete.

~1 hour later~

"Go easy on me, man!" Rachel complained as I beat her in arm wrestling for the fifth time.

"I'm twice the size of you! This is easy for me!"

I slammed her arm on the tray again and she decided to stop trying.

"I give up," she complained. "You got any cards?"

"Uh, I think I might?" I searched deep into my bag and found an old deck of cards.

"What do you want to play?" I asked her. "Rummy? Blackjack?"

"Go fish."

"Or we can do that."

I dealt the cards and we started to play.

"You got any 2's?" She started.

"Nope. Go fish." She grabbed a card and sighed.

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