Chapter 2

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Is this more than you bargained for yet

I walked home from the bus and immediately spotted something different. In my driveway was a different car, meaning someone was at my house. My family never got visitors, so why would someone visit? And who?

Still suspicious, I arrived at the door and let myself in. Laughter came from the dining room and a few voices. My mom came to me and told me to bring my stuff upstairs before joining her at the table. I did as she said and put my backpack and phone on my bed, then went downstairs. At the table were both my parents and a woman I've never seen before. I sat down across from the woman and next to my mom before they started whatever it was they were doing.

"Rachel, I know this is a surprise to you but it's long coming for all of us. We love you very much and want nothing but the best for you." My mom paused before starting up again.

"This is Emily, she's your social worker. Something has come up recently and we decided now was the time that you know the truth."

"The truth?" I asked, not too sure if I wanted the answer.

"Well, um, I don't know how else to say this. But, we're not your real parents."

"You're joking, right?"

"No, uh, we're not. And that's what tonight is all about." I remained silent, just preparing myself for what would follow.

"I know this is unexpected at the moment and we don't expect you to fully accept it right away, but we just want you to listen to what we all have to say." I slowly nodded my head to let them know I was listening and for them to continue.

"Well, I guess we should start at the beginning," Emily started. "When you were born, your parents were only a young couple. They knew they wouldn't be able to raise you well enough and searched for someone to adopt you. Soon they found the perfect couple and made the hard decision of giving you to them. This wasn't easy for them, so they agreed that once they were ready, they would take you back. And after years of waiting, that time has come. They've come searching for you and would love for you to go home with them. But this is only if you want to and if you're comfortable with it. You are not expected to agree and certainly not to make a decision right away." She looked at me and waited for me to actually say something.

"Would I be able to meet them before I decide?"

"Oh of course! Your father is actually here in town, ready to meet you if you wanted. I can set up a meeting for whenever you're ready." She got out her phone and left the room to call him.

"You don't have to go through with this, Rachel. We're perfectly okay with you just leaving it at this and staying here," my mom gently told me. More like begging me not to go through with it.

"I want to meet him," I stated. She looked at me with sadness in her eyes and just nodded her head. Emily returned with a smile across her face and I knew that arrangements had been made.

"He's thrilled that you want to meet him and he doesn't want to wait too long. He was wondering if you wanted to meet him at his hotel room tonight."

"Yeah, for sure!" I answered right away.

"Great! I'll let him know!" She went off to call him again and my parents looked at me with shocked faces. Obviously they weren't happy with my decision, but it's what I wanted and they couldn't stop me from meeting my dad.

"Okay Joe, see you then," Emily ended the call and made her way back. Apparently his name was Joe.

"He's ready whenever you are."

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