Chapter 4

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And it's our time now if you want it to be

"Panama!" Joe and I screamed together.

"Panama!" He had picked me up from school like he promised and we were headed to the store.

"Panama!" He had said he wanted to buy some food since he'll be here for a while longer.

"Panama!" Plus, I wanted him to try out some Canadian food.

"Literally the only reason I know this song is because of rock band!" I confessed to him.

"Good excuse to know it!" He stuck his fist out and I pounded it.

"I suck at that game," I laughed.

"It doesn't pick up on good guitar players," he raised his eyebrows at me.

"I better have some hidden skills inside me, or else I just suck at it in general."

"Just break into some shredding all of a sudden!"

"Oh yeah! 'Cause that would totally happen!" We both laughed at the thought and he pulled into the parking lot.

"You better have good food," he demanded.

"Oh we do, I can't wait for you to buy some milk," I smirked.

"And why is that?"

"Oh, you'll see."


"Why the hell is it in a bag?!" I burst out laughing from his reaction and watched his confused face.

"Is this some kind of trick, how do you even pour it?!"

"There's cartons you can buy," I told him, still laughing. He picked a carton up and added it to our cart.

"Ooh, chip aisle!" He steered the cart in the right direction and we made our way to the chips. I grabbed a bag of All Dressed and another of Ketchup.

"This sounds weird," he admitted while reading the back of the All Dressed bag.

"Don't knock it till you try it." He sighed and put the bag back in the cart.

"What was the other thing you wanted me to try?"

"Some chocolate."

"I'm up for it," he nodded his head. I quickly grabbed a few chocolate bars and put them in the cart.

"Why are your smarties in a box?"

"They're chocolate."

"...I swear this whole county is a mythical place."

We continued through the store and he grabbed whatever else he needed. When he had everything, he paid for it all and we loaded the bags into the trunk of the car. He drove back to his hotel and we brought all of the bags inside.

"What am I trying first?"

"I don't know," I shrugged. "Whatever you want."

"Well I don't know."

"I don't know either, just grab something." He picked up the first bag of chips, opening them up and smelling it. He made a weird face from the smell and I held in a giggle.

"Just eat it already!" I complained. He ate a chip, cringed, nodded his head, and shrugged. I raised my eyebrows at his confusing reaction and he finished chewing.

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