Part Two: Basara's Resolve

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Basara feels someone grabbing his arm and shaking it powerfully. "Basara-San! Basara-San!" Basara opens his eyes to see Maria's face, but she is not looking sunny as usual. "Hurry and get up and quickly move to the couch! Mio-Sama will be getting up any minute!"

She helps him sit up, noting that Yuki is unclothed and then Maria gets rosy cheeks and smiles, gasping for breath. "Since you are in the room below mine, you two REALLY helped recharge my batteries last night! I even put up a sound inhibiting field around your room. But if Mio-Sama catches the two of you together, you know it won't be pretty." He sits up and uncovers himself, and then notes that he is naked! He uses his hero speed to get his boxers on, grabs his T-shirt and rushes to the living room. He lies down on the couch, pulls the afghan over himself and closes his eyes.

About a minute after the afghan settles over his body, Mio walks into the room and kneels next to Basara. She puts her lips on his and kisses him with great passion! Basara opens his eyes with surprise, and sees Mio's blushing face. She puts her hand on his cheek and caresses it. Then her angry face appears as she says, "You weren't doing anything with Yuki-San in her bed last night, were you?" Basara giggles with a tinge of guilt, and says, "No we didn't do anything serious on her bed." He isn't lying; the real action happened on his bed.

He sits up and rubs his eyes as he says, "Yuki came to talk with me last night. Kurumi told her that the village wants to make amends with me, and put the past behind. Not only that, they want to help me get past the trauma of six years ago."

Mio is very startled! She doesn't look at the heroes as enemies any more. In fact, if she becomes the demon lord, it will be her primary task to become strong allies with them defending the human race and keeping the radical faction in control. She knows that not every demon will go along with this idea, but she has made her resolve; if she has anything to do with it, the long hero/demon war will be the last war between these races. Even if this splits the demons into two factions, she does not care; the current demon rulers fight for the wrong reason, and fail to grasp the world they could unlock with but a simple change of thinking.

Mio goes to the fridge and pulls out some iced tea, and adds some ice cubes. She pours a glass for each of them and sits across from him.

"Are you going to leave Maria and me here while you are gone?" He smirks and says, "No; if I go back to the village, you and Maria will be going with me, or I won't go." He knows it will be tough to go back there, and he wants his closest friends at hand to talk to when needed. Besides, he cannot protect his precious little sisters from two hundred kilometers away!

Mio looks at the table as she says, "I'm glad to hear your resolve, but will it be a problem, a pair of demons going into the hero village? How will Takigawa report this to his superiors?" He smiles at her and says, "I'll work that out with him. Even though we are racial enemies, he and I have an understanding, and we will work out a proper arrangement."

Mio sees the look of grave concern on his face, and she realizes why he is a bit hesitant; that's where the incident happened. The incident that gives him nightmares almost every night, the one thing that neither she nor Maria nor Yuki can get out of his head. If they go to the village, he has to face what has happened.

He looks at Mio and says, "I am going to follow whatever my father says for me to do. No one else will be able to persuade me yeah or nay on this, although I am adamant that you two are coming with me if I go." He pulls out his cell phone and calls his dad. Ever since Toujou Jin 'confronted' the demon lord about attacking his family, there have been no incursions on their household, and the only contact they have had with the demon world is Takigawa.


"Hey, dad, I need to talk to you for a minute."

"Is it about going back to the village?"

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