Part Three: To The Village

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On Friday, they take a bus to the train station. After a couple of hours they get to the north Osaka station and get off. They aren't sure where to meet with dad's friend, so they head to a coffee shop in the station.

They order their coffees and start drinking them. As they are drinking, Basara hears a familiar voice. "Are you all ready to go to the village?" All of them turn and see...

"Hasegawa-Sensei? Are you the one that dad wanted us to meet?" She smiles and nods. "Your dad wanted to take advantage of this situation to reveal a few things to you. For example, you probably didn't know that I was your mother's best friend."

Basara is stunned! "I -I didn't know..." Then he says with all sincerity, "How could someone as old as my mom look so young?" She grins and says, "You are a smooth talker, aren't you? But you haven't noticed the extra consideration I was giving you at school? Shame, shame... you trained to be aware of your circumstances, didn't you?"

Basara gets beet red, and then Yuki says, "But Hasegawa-Sensei, he hasn't been in the village for almost 6 years. He was sure to have his training ebb from him. But make no mistake; he is a truly gifted fighter."

She replies, "Yes, I have followed his battles ever since he arrived in town." She looks at him and puts her hand on his shoulder and says, "There are many things I would love to tell you, but..." She kisses his forehead and continues, "...these things will have to wait until we meet with the elders." Basara has a look of shock on his face after Sensei kissed him in front of the others, even if it was a kiss of greeting. His face is beet red as Sensei beckons for all of them to follow her. They walk to a nearby parking lot, and she leads the group to an 11 passenger van.

Basara recognizes the driver; he was one of his swordsmanship instructors. He sees the passenger, and recognizes him immediately


Jin-San gets out of the van and hugs his son; he hasn't seen Basara in several months other than photos, and he is pleased with how he looks. Then he observes all of the pretty girls he is with. "You haven't made me a grandfather yet, have you?" Basara's face turns beet red, and Yuki and Mio both start blushing.

"Why do you say things like that dad?" Jin-San looks at him with a grin and says, "Its fun watching your reactions." Basara shakes his head and thinks, 'some things never change, huh dad?'

Hasegawa-Sensei goes to Mio and Maria and puts her index and middle fingers on each of their foreheads, the right hand on Mio and the left hand on Maria. Then she does a brief chant, and their foreheads glow for a few seconds.

As the two of them rub their foreheads, Hasegawa Chisato says, "Those charms will allow the two of you through the barrier around the village. That charm will only last until the end of the day; you will need a new one to leave." Both Mio and Maria nod.

Mio really senses the importance of this; she is going to a place where hatred for her race is very high. Even the heroes that desire the peace they are enjoying have little love for demon-kind. And she is destined to be the Demon Lord! If there are malcontents in the village, she would be a premier target. Maria and she have discussed this extensively; they will spend every minute they are in the village within normal talking distance of Basara-San, Jin-San or Yuki-San.

And Mio came to a conclusion about Basara as well; he would be in the same circumstance in the demon world. Maybe even worse! Demons live far longer than humans, and some of her peers have century's worth of hatred to overcome before they will accept such a pact.

Mio wants to be the Demon Lord; she feels she can change a lot of things for the better in the demon world if she gets the chance. But she is going to have to give up any hope of a lasting relationship with Basara if she does.

Shinmai Maou no Testament: The VillageHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin