Part Nine: A Visit From Sakaki

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A ray of sunshine hits his eyes and wakes Basara up. He turns to see that Yuki is still on his right, but feels constrained. He looks to his left and sees that Kurumi is lying there on his left arm!

He sees that it is 8am, and decides to get up and put something on for breakfast. Somehow he wiggles out of the trap, and gets up. He is wearing pajama bottoms, and grabs the T-shirt he took off last night and puts it around his neck like a scarf, with the ends covering part of his chest. He walks out of the room and sees that no one else is up.

As he is walking to the kitchen, the doorbell rings. Who could it be? No one thinks they are home right now. It must be an early delivery.

Basara goes to the door and opens it, combing his hair with his fingers. And he sees Chika Sakaki! "S-Sakaki-San! What are you doing here?" Sakaki has a red face, which strangely contrasts nicely with her light green hair. "Uh-uh, Mio called me last night and asked me to come over this morning to hang out. W-was I too early?"

Sakaki is mesmerized by Basara's chest. He is extremely fit, and she can't help but notice all of the healed scars. She really wants to ask how he got them, but thinks it would be too forward to ask right now.

Basara notes the attention, and quickly slides his T-shirt over his head. "M-Mio is still asleep, but I was getting ready to put on some breakfast. You are welcome to join us." Sasaki's look brightens as she replies, "You know how to cook?" Basara grins sheepishly as he says, "Not really, but I can make sweet rice and mix in some fruit, and I make a decent miso soup."

Sasaki gets a stolid look on her face and shakes her head. "That won't fill you up. Would you like me to make something for you?"

Basara's face beams as he says, "Would you mind? There are quite a few people here, and I think the usual cooks, Maria and Yuki, are going to be sleeping in really late." She asks him how many, and he replies that there are a few friends staying over, a total of seven are here this morning.

Sakaki goes to the cabinet and fridge, looks at what is available and pulls out a lot of stuff and starts mixing. "Why don't you go wake up Mio and the others? I'll have something ready in about 15 minutes."

Basara goes to Mio's room and sees that she is still asleep. Her nightgown has slipped down and one of her breasts is sticking out! He goes over to her and slips the nightgown up, just as her eyes open. "What are you doing, you pervert? Although I wouldn't mind if you want to climb under the covers with me..." She stretches out and puts her hand on his shoulder, and he calmly takes her hand off and says, "Sakaki is here." Mio looks at the clock and says, "Already? I figured she would not be here until at least ten o'clock."

Mio gets out of bed and stretches, and Basara sees that there is not much being hidden by her nighty! He turns his blushing face away from her and says, "She is making breakfast right now."

Mio begins to smile! Sasaki's cooking skills are legendary in home economics class, although she hasn't tried much of her food. She shoos Basara out and changes into nice jeans and a short sleeve T.

Basara goes into his dad's room and wakes him up, and Jin is glad someone other than Basara is cooking. He tells Jin that Sakaki is a friend of Mio's and a top cook at school. He also tells him about the incident at school, and that even though she has recovered she still seems a little attracted to him.

Jin looks at Basara with absolutely no emotion, and then bursts out laughing as he says, "Do you have any male friends at school? It seems that with you taking all of the cute ladies you wouldn't have too many friends there..."

Jin is joking of course, but does not realize that is a sore spot for Basara, one that will get even worse once Kurumi starts going to their school, and all of the guys see that she is just as attracted to him as Mio and Yuki are.

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