Part Five: An Unexpected Visit

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Basara hears his alarm going off, and tries to get up to turn it off, but he can't move! He looks to his left, and he sees Mio hasn't moved since last night. He looks to his right, and he sees that Yuki is using his arm as a pillow!

He starts to work his way out of his 'prison', and finally manages to get out. He wakes the girls and tells them it's time to get ready for the meeting. He stands up and begins walking towards the bathroom.

Suddenly Brynhildr appears in his right hand! He is shocked; why did the sword appear on its own? He tries to dismiss it, but it won't go away.

Then the gem in the hilt of the sword turns white, and Basara is surrounded by a white glow. Yuki and Mio see the glow, and aren't sure what to do! Yuki summons Sakuya and tries to probe the glow with it, but as Sakuya touches the glow Yuki is thrown back against the wall! Mio goes to Yuki and helps her stand up, and it seems like Yuki is really weak.

"What is it Yuki-San?" "I-I don't know. Whatever it is, it drained me of a lot of my strength when I touched it." She feels her strength returning, but is still shocked and scared! What is happening to Basara?

Both girls begin calling his name repeatedly. After a moment, Jin-San and Chisato-San both go into the room. Jin is very perplexed, but just as Maria enters the room, Chisato calmly says, "It is OK. When we entered the village, some connections to the spirit world opened up, and Basara is communing with a spirit."

Mio says, "But Sensei, this white energy came from his sword!" Chisato smirks and says, "You girls know that Brynhildr absorbs spirits. Can you remember the good spirit that you fought, that Basara defeated?"

All three of them start thinking, and then Yuki raises her hand...

Inside of the white glow, Basara sees some energy floating like a fog over his sword. Then the fog coalesces into the form of a small white tiger! "Byakko? Is that you?"

The tiger lets out a resonating snarl, Basara is correct! Then the tiger says, "You are Toujou Basara. You were able to defeat me in that city. Your amazing power, Banishing Shift, stopped my attack, but with all of my energy gone my essence was drawn into your sword."

The tiger struts around a bit. "I never liked being in a spear. My job has always been to protect. I would like to protect you, for I have sensed your heart. You also will do anything to protect what you hold dear."

The tiger stops moving and then sits at Basara's feet. "Allow me to protect you, so you can protect others. You will gain many things from my presence, and your Angel heart can tolerate my abilities being added to your own."

"My Angel heart? I don't understand..." Byakko bows its head and says, "Half of your blood came from an angel, has no one told you this? Your heritage of Angel, Human and Demon blood gives you the ability to hold the sword that is in your hand. No one else on this planet can hold this sword without it possessing them."

Basara is struggling to take all of this in! "What do I gain from your protection?" Byakko replies, "You will become much stronger and tougher. You will be able to use my Growl, my Yell, my Slash, and my Howl. And all of these abilities will become markedly stronger when you call forth the Armor of Byakko."

Suddenly sparks glow around Basara's body. The glow and sparks form into interlaced plate armor, covering Basara's body and limbs. His hands are covered in plate gauntlets going all the way to his elbows, and his feet are covered by plate boots, going all the way to his knees. But even as heavy as the armor appears, it feel like it hardly weighs anything.

"This is just a, I believe the word is simulation, of the armor. I would never do anything beyond your free will. Would you like the strength and power I can grant?"

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