Epilogue - Things never stay the same

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Basara lands at the back door to the house, and quickly goes in. He sets Sakaki down by Mio's door, and she goes in to get some clothes. Basara then heads to Kurumi's room, where he assumes she is being treated.

As he walks in, he sees that Kurumi has slashes all over her face, tummy and arms, and it looks like her right arm is broken in two places. Her legs are probably just as beat up, but there is a sheet covering her lower torso and legs. Sahabriko had not been easy on this child. She turns and sees Basara, and can't even move enough to pull the sheet over her breasts. Maria does that for her, and then grabs Basara's arm and leads him out.

"She was hurt badly. She really needs more care than I can give her. You should talk to your dad about getting her to a hospital." As Basara is thinking about what to do, a voice rises behind them. "I think I can help her."

Maria and Basara both turn to see Sakaki, who is wearing a sleeveless T-shirt and her school jersey pants. She calls forth her blade and walks into the room. She sets the flat of the blade against Kurumi's stomach and closes her eyes. A bright white light fills the room, and then there is a flash! When it fades, all of the scars on Kurumi's body are healed! Kurumi looks at herself, and can tell that her arm is no longer broken! Then she sits up in utter shock!

"Hikari no Danbira told me I could do that." Kurumi turns to Sakaki and thanks her, and then even though she has been healed, she feels drained of energy, and slips down on her bed and immediately falls asleep.

Maria says, "That was pretty impressive. We need to bring you along more often!" Sakaki smiles, but really she is overwhelmed. All that power she has! It is very disconcerting...

Maria says, "I think I am going to go home and wait for my Kei-Chan. You all have fun!" Being satisfied that Kurumi will be OK, Maria heads off to her own home.

Sakaki collapses in Basara's arms. She has a few tears escape her eyes and says, "Is-is that what you fight all of the time? I'm not sure if I can do this." Basara kisses her forehead and says, "You were wonderful today. You saved us all and really earned my thanks as well. What can I do to make your day?"

The tears dry up and she smiles at him. She grabs him by the hand and leads him to his room. They go in and she seats him on the bed, and then says, "I want you to remove the curse, even if there isn't a curse. I just want you to make me feel good."

She begins dancing playfully around the room, and is surprisingly deft at removing her jersey pants, doing so in a very smooth motion! She is just wearing her T-shirt and panties, and as she gets close to Basara he grabs her and spins her into his lap! After kissing her passionately he rubs her belly and then moves his hand under her shirt, gently massaging her breasts. He can see from her face that the contract is causing great arousal in her, without the pain!

She begins gasping and panting, and can't believe how good this feels! But the desires she is feeling are much stronger than when she was fighting the curse.

She puts her arms around his waist, and caresses his strong back. She takes off his T-Shirt, and then removes her shirt and then pulls him tight so that their chests are in full contact.

Basara twists her onto her back, and then slips his hand under her panties. This is the place of greatest arousal for her, and her hips involuntarily twist and dip. He ducks his head and begins sucking on her breasts, and then begins caressing her labia and clitoris.

Sakaki is enjoying this immensely, but wants more! And a finger isn't going to be enough this time... she puts her hand into Basara's shorts and grabs his penis, and even though she shouldn't be she is surprised at how stiff it is.

A million thoughts race through her mind. She has never done anything like she is thinking of doing right now.

But this is what she wants. He wants to make her day, and right now she only has one thought in her mind.

She maneuvers her abdomen next to his, and grinds on his crotch. She is grinding her personal parts on his and is going crazy! Basara says, "Sakaki, are you sure this is what you want?" She turns his head so they are eye to eye, and it is obvious to Basara what she wants. "I just want you to be sure, because there is no turning back."

She kisses him with everything she has and says, "YES! We need to do this right now, my whole body wants this!" She reaches down and removes her panties, and Basara takes off his shorts and boxers.

He can feel that she is ready for this, and slowly puts his penis against her labia, one step at a time working it in, until it slides in smoothly...

Sakaki cries out; this is what she wants! Her hymen was broken years ago because of her exhaustive training at gymnastics, so there is no pain at all, just unadulterated pleasure!

She begins gyrating and moving back and forth, and Basara matches her rhythm. After a few moments, she reaches a climax, and cannot believe how much ecstasy she is feeling! Basara releases then as well, and the warm flow inside her causes another orgasm! And as they are both at a climax, she has a strengthening.

Basara begins caressing her cheeks, and she moves her head to kiss him passionately. After a few minutes in each other's arms, they get up and put their clothes back on, and head to the kitchen.

Sakaki begins cooking a festive lunch, and Basara goes to check on Kurumi. About then, Mio and Yuki enter the house, announcing their presence. Yuki goes to Kurumi's room, where Basara tells her about how Sakaki healed her. Yuki says, "I-I guess she is part of the group now, isn't she?" Basara looks Yuki in the eyes and waves at Kurumi as he says, "I think she has earned the right. But it does complicate things..."

Yuki looks at him with a lot of anger, and then lets it fade. "It really can't be helped, can it?" Basara holds her tightly and then says, "Not any more..." She grabs his cheeks, turns his head towards her and looks him in the eyes as she says, "You know I'll never give you up to anyone..."

Basara giggles a bit and says, "No bloodshed, please. And someone will be my one and only on the day we graduate high school."

'Oi,' she thinks, 'I have two years to force a gap between me and Mio, and me and Sakaki as we chase Basara. Well, they had better prepare for a real war...'


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