Sailor Moon Sailor Stars Return

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Chapter Seven

Next day The Three Lights told Serena and the rest of the gang what happened yesterday. Man did you have fun? asked Serena in a curious look. Well yes it was fun said Seiya in a happy look. Was? Its great said Yaten interrupting Seiya when he was talking to Serena. Man you really like her so much you want to kiss her said Seiya in a teasing voice. So what said Yaten in a mad look. So are you really admitting you really, really like her so much right? asked Seiya in a serious voice. Ok maybe I have a little crush on Crystal but hey you have a crush on Serena said Yaten still in a mad look. Ok that's enough said Seiya in an angry voice. So Yaten walked away from the group. So Seiya do you have a crush on me still? asked Serena in a curious look. Well I have had a crush on you for a very long time said Seiya in a serious voice. Seiya I'm very sorry, but Darien and I have a future together so please find someone else said Serena in a serious voice too. Ok said Seiya having a broken heart. Well I must go to our classroom. So Seiya walked away from the group too. So Serena do you have a little crush on Seiya still? asked Mina in a confused look. Well yes but Darien and I have a future together said Serena in a sad look. So Seiya and I can't be together at all. We understand Serena said everyone in a serious voice. So they went to their classroom. Yaten was sitting alone. I wonder where Crystal is? said Yaten in his head. I'm sorry I'm late said Crystal running into the classroom. Well it is ok you didn't miss anything said the teacher trying to teach the class. If you are late again you must go to the main office. I understand said Crystal in a sad look. So would you please sit down now said the teacher. Ok said Crystal. So Crystal sat down next to Yaten. When the class was over everybody wanted to know why Crystal was late for class. Well just say I was signing up for a club said Crystal in a happy mood. What club? asked everybody in a curious look. You will see said Crystal zipping her lips. Ok you will not tell us said Yaten still with a puzzling look. You will find out someday said Crystal in a teasing look. Well I have to go to my club so see Ya later. So Crystal went to her club. Oh Ya I have to go to my club too said Lita in a surprised look. So see Ya guys later. Well we have to go to said Mina, Amy, Taiki and Seiya in a hurry. So Mina, Amy, Taiki and Seiya went to their clubs. Serena and Yaten didn't sign up for a club so they went home. When Seiya got to his football practice he saw a new player on the field. Hey captain who is the new player? asked Seiya in a curious look. Well go find out said the captain with a smile. You will not tell me at all will you? asked Seiya. Go and find out said the captain still smiling. So Seiya changed into his football uniform. So he went on the field to find out who the new person is. So someone said hike one hike two hut, hut hike the game has begun, it was a practice. So Seiya's number is eighteen and the mystery person's number is twenty-two. So Seiya trying to attack number twenty-two but he missed. So he tried and tried again but number twenty-two is to fast. When Seiya got the ball number twenty-two attacked him. Man you are good said Seiya in a surprised look. Well thank you Seiya said the mystery person. Who are you? asked Seiya in a curious look. How do you know my name? The mystery person took off her helmet it was Crystal. Crystal!! said Seiya in a surprised look. So this is your club too? asked Crystal in a proud look. Yes I'm in this club said Seiya in a glad look. Man you are a great tackling person. Well thank you said Crystal with a smile. So this is why you didn't tell us, because you are playing football? said Seiya in a curious look. Well I like to keep it a secret but you will probably tell the others said Crystal. You want me to tell? asked Seiya in a puzzling look. Yes I'm giving you a permission said Crystal. Ok said Seiya in a glad look. So Seiya told everybody what club Crystal is in. Everybody was surprised I mean everybody. Yaten was surprised at Crystal when he heard that she plays football! Man are you a tom boy? asked Yaten still in shock. Well I like to think I'm not a week little girl said Crystal in a mad look. What I didn't call you that yet said Yaten in a surprised look. Man an idol is a pain in my rear-end said Crystal in a pissed off look. Oh real funny said Yaten in a mad look. So see Ya later Kidult said Crystal in a glad look. Hey I thought we had a deal, Little said Yaten still mad at Crystal. Ok you win said Crystal with a smile. So Crystal walked away from Yaten. Hey Little? said Yaten with a wondering look. What Kidult said Crystal. Nothing said Yaten in a blushing look. Are you ok? asked Crystal in a confused look. Oh just nothing said Yaten. So see Ya later said Crystal with a big smile. So Crystal walked away. Man I think I'm in love said Yaten with a big grin on his face. My heart is beating like a big drum. So Yaten went home dancing on the street. Seiya and Taiki saw Yaten dancing on the street. Is he all right? asked Taiki in a confused look. Well he is really in love tonight said Seiya with a smile. You mean he is in love? asked Taiki in a surprised look. Yes he is said Seiya. Wow said Taiki still in surprised. So they went home tonight. Next morning Yaten is still smiling and blushing all day long. Man Yaten if you keep smiling like this your teeth will be showing said Seiya in a teasing look. Very, very funny said Yaten in a mad look. So are you going to date Crystal? asked Taiki in a serious voice. Well I don't know said Yaten in a embarrassed look. Well I hope you do said Seiya with a smile. But she has a secret remember said Yaten in a wondering look. Ya she has a secret but she will not tell us said Taiki in a wondering look too. Well we must trust our self said Seiya in a serious voice. Right said Taiki and Yaten in a serious voice too. So The Three Lights went outside to find Crystal. So when they were walking they saw Serena, Amara and Michelle talking. Amara, I'm asking you nicely please let Sailor Comet have one more chance said Serena hoping Amara would change her mind. I will say it again I will not give her another chance said Amara in a serious voice. Serena looked very sad. Hey Dumpling what is up? asked serious boy's voice. Everybody looked around and saw The Three Lights. Seiya, Taiki and Yaten said Serena in a surprised look. What are you doing here? asked Amara not impressed to see them. Well we are just looking around to find Crystal but we found you Dumpling said Seiya in a glad look. Just stay away from her ok said Amara in a mad look. What do you mean? asked Taiki in a mad look too. I mean stay away from our princess you are not protecting her at all said Amara in a serious voice. Amara they can protect me if they want to said Serena in an anger voice. Kitten I would not let them protect you, they have their own princess to protect said Amara. I still don't like them. Amara they will protect me if you like it or not they are here to stay said Serena in a serious voice. Serena and Amara are starring at each other. Until Michelle said Amara we have to go home now. Ok Michelle, said Amara I still don't want them to protect Serena at all. So Amara and Michelle started to walk away until a new enemy came around the corner. The enemy looked like a big horse. So which one of you people has a golden heart? asked the enemy in a curious look. Well I know I don't have a golden heart said Seiya in a serious voice. Me either said Michelle in a serious voice too. Well there are four of you left said the enemy with a big grin. Don't think about it said Amara in a serious voice. Well you will be my first victim said the enemy. Try to catch me said Amara. I will said the enemy. So the enemy ran fast at Amara and grabbed her. Hey let her go said Michelle in a serious voice. Well try to make me said the enemy in a serious voice too. We will said everybody. So they transform. Moon Eternal Power! said Serena in a hurry. Neptune Crystal Power! said Michelle in a hurry. Fighter Star Power! said Seiya in a hurry. Maker Star Power! said Taiki in a hurry. Healer Star Power! said Yaten in a hurry. The enemy put his hand on top of Amara's chest. Amara said you will not get away with this. I'm already getting away with this said the enemy with a smile on his face. Stop right there said a serious girl's voice. Who are you? asked the enemy in a curious voice. I bring love and justice I'm Sailor Moon. I'm Sailor Neptune. The name of the moon I will punish you said Sailor Moon. Ya right said the enemy not impressed. Then he heard snapping fingers. Who is there? asked the enemy in a curious voice. No one will steal a persons heart said a serious voice. No evil will get the golden heart said another serious voice. No evil will rule the world said another different serious voice. Sailor Star Fighter, Sailor Star Maker, Sailor Star Healer, Sailor Starlights stage on shouting at him. Well so you are the Sailor Scouts it doesn't matter, your world will be destroyed anyway said the enemy in a serious voice. What are you talking about? asked everybody in a surprised look. All the planets, all the stars and the whole galaxy will be destroyed said a mystery girl's voice. Who is there? asked everybody in a curious voice. I'm the protector of the inner and outer solar system I'm Sailor Comet in a serious voice. Sailor Comet will all the planets, all the stars and the whole galaxy be destroyed? asked Sailor Moon in a curious voice. Yes, your world and my world will be destroyed by Chaos and its puppets said Sailor Comet still a serious voice. No said Sailor Moon in a sad look. So let me see you heart picture said the enemy in a serious voice. So Amara screamed and, screamed and said stop this enemy. Everybody attacked the enemy but the enemy was strong. The enemy got Amara's heart and dropped her on the grown. Man it is still not the one I'm looking for said the enemy in an anger voice. Oh well. So he dropped the heart picture, it all most hit the ground until Sailor Neptune caught it and put it back into her cousins body. Sailor Comet, cut his right arm off said the Sailor Starlights in a hurry. Right! said Sailor Comet in a hurry too. Glade Steel! The blade cut the enemy's arm right off. My arm! said the enemy in pain. Now Sailor Moon! said Sailor Comet. Right said Sailor Moon in a hurry. Sliver Moon! Crystal Power Kiss! I'm being destroyed said the enemy. So the black smoke disappeared and the enemy turned back into a horse. Sailor Comet almost disappeared until Sailor Moon said Wait! So Sailor Comet turned around. Please don't go said Sailor Moon in wondering look. What is it princess? asked Sailor Comet in a curious look. Well we want to know why the enemy is looking for a golden heart? asked Sailor Moon in a curious look too. Not golden heart, its golden hearts they are looking for said Sailor Comet trying to explain. Wait how many golden hearts are there? asked Sailor Neptune in a curious look. Well there are two golden hearts in this galaxy said Sailor Comet in a serious voice. So why are they looking for the golden hearts? asked Sailor Moon still curious. Well if the enemy gets the two golden hearts they will rule the whole galaxy said Sailor Comet still serious voice. If the right person gets the golden hearts it will release the truthfully sword and Chaos will be trapped forever. Really?!? asked the Sailor Starlights in a surprised look. Yes well I have to go now said Sailor Comet in a hurry. But Wait! said Sailor Moon trying not to let Sailor Comet go. What? asked Sailor Comet in an anger look. Please let me thank you properly said Sailor Moon in a wondering look. I'm very sorry but I have to go said Sailor Comet in a hurry. Oh! Say hi for me to your princess talking to the Sailor Starlights. You know are princess? asked the Sailor Starlights in a surprised look. Well I know Sailor Moon is not your princess you come from a different world like me said Sailor Comet in a serious voice. So Sailor Comet disappeared again. Man that girl is strange said Yaten in a wondering look. You can say that again said Seiya in a serious voice. So let us go home said Serena in a happy mood. Yes lets said Amara and Michelle in a serious voice. So everybody went home for the night.

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