Sailor Moon Sailor Stars Return

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Chapter Fourteen

Next day Yaten was so happy he started to dance. The Fireball Princess was watch him dancing all over the room. Healer what are you doing? Yaten stopped dancing, started blushing and said Oh hi princess, I was doing the happy dance said Yaten trying to hide his face. Healer you don't have to be embarrassed, you can be happy said Fireball Princess with a smile on her face. Well princess, I'm falling in love on earth said Yaten trying to explain to his princess. I know, I do have ears, you are falling in love with this person named Crystal/Little said Fireball Princess in a serious voice. I know we can't fall in love with a human on planet earth said Yaten looking down at the ground. It is ok Healer, you can fall in love if you want to said Fireball Princess still serious. But princess said Yaten in a scared look. You can stay on earth if you want to said Fireball Princess walking away. But princess said Yaten still scared. So the princess stopped walking and listened. I must protect you, no matter what said Yaten in a serious voice. Healer we aren't on Kinmoku, so you can have fun said Fireball Princess starting to walk away again. Man, why did I fall in love? I'm a girl too, but on earth I'm a boy said Yaten in a wondering look and walking back in forth. It is ok Yaten, you can fall in love said a mystery boy's voice. Yaten turned around and saw Seiya standing by the door. What are you talking about Seiya? asked Yaten still wondering. Remember long time a go, I was in love with Serena said Seiya in a serious voice. Ya, I remember Seiya, you were all over her, why? asked Yaten. You can still fall in love no mater what said Seiya trying to be a good friend. So what Seiya? Serena stayed with Darien no mater what said Yaten in a serious voice. My point is no matter were you go, you will still fall in love said Seiya still being a friend. But Seiya, I'm a girl in a different world, do you think Crystal will accept me for who I'm? asked Yaten still serious. Well if Crystal loves you so much, my answer is yes said Seiya in a serious voice. But Seiya, I don't know said Yaten in a sad look. Just don't think, go with the flow and you will feel good about yourself said Seiya trying to cheer up his friend. Ok I will go with the flow, but what happens if Crystal doesn't love me for who I'm? asked Yaten in a worried look. Well then she is not the right one for you said Seiya still cheering up Yaten. So they went out side to find Crystal but they saw Serena and Darien talking about the date. Well Darien, said Serena in a wondering look. I'm sorry Serena I was busy last night said Darien in a scared look and I'm still busy, how about next Saturday? We can go on that date, Serena. Ok, next Saturday, you better be there! said Serena in a serious voice. Ok, that is a promise to you, my love said Darien starting to smile. Oh Darien said Serena moving closer to him. They almost kissed until Seiya said Hey Dumpling! trying to get her attention. Seiya, what are you doing here? asked Serena in a wondering look. Well Yaten and I were going to find Crystal said Seiya trying to explain. Why are you looking for me? asked a mystery girl's voice. Everybody looked around and saw Crystal holding papers. Hey Crystal! said everyone except for Yaten he said Hey Little! Hey guys and Kidult, so why are you looking for me? asked Crystal in a wondering look. Well, Yaten wanted to talk to you said Seiya pushing Yaten to her. Seiya! said Yaten in an anger look. What are you doing? So Kidult, what do you want to talk to me about? asked Crystal in a wondering look. Ohm Little, would you go out with me please? asked Yaten in a hoping look. Ok, ok Kidult I will go out with you, next Saturday ok, so keep your shirt on said Crystal in a serious voice. Hey! We can go on a double date said Serena in a wondering look. What are you talking about Serena? asked Crystal in a wondering look too. Well Darien and I are going on a date said Serena hoping Crystal will say yes. Well I don't know, may I think about it said Crystal still wondering. Hey Darien! I got the papers said Crystal giving the paper to him. What are the papers for? asked Serena in a wondering look. Oh! The papers are for the college, Serena said Crystal trying to explain. When you are finished with the papers, give them to me and I will fax it. Thank you Crystal, I will give it back to you said Darien in a happy look. So Little, what do you want to do today? asked Yaten in a wondering look. Well I'm still busy today Kidult, rain check said Crystal in a hurry. Ok, I will wait for you Little said Yaten in a sad look. Kidult don't be sad, everyone knows you have a huge crush on me said Crystal with a big smile on her face. You know about it! said Yaten in a surprised voice. Everybody knows about it Kidult said Crystal still smiling away. May I ask how long you have known? asked Yaten in a wondering look. Just say I have a feeling to said Crystal grabbing Yaten's hand. Yaten started to blush and said so do you want to be my girlfriend? asked Yaten in a hoping look. Yes, I will be your girlfriend Kidult said Crystal with a big smile. So she kissed Yaten right on the lips and everybody was so surprised including Yaten. Crystal stopped kissing and said what is it Kidult? You surprised me Little, I really didn't expect that said Yaten in a shocked look. Oh I'm so sorry, I thought you want me to kiss you said Crystal in an embarrassed look. Well, Ya! I want you to kiss me, but not yet said Yaten still shocked. Oh well, what is done its done said Crystal starting to smile again. I have to go now, so see Ya later Kidult said Crystal trying to leave. See Ya later Little said Yaten grabbing her hand and kissed her on the lips too. It surprised Crystal, so they still kissing away. But Crystal has to go, so she stopped kissing and said I really have to go, so see Ya tomorrow Kidult. Ok see Ya tomorrow Little said Yaten letting go of Crystal's hand. Bye Crystal said everybody waving good bye to her. Good bye everybody said Crystal waving good bye to them too. So Crystal disappeared around the corner. Yaten was so happy, he started to dances all around his friends. Man, Yaten is so happy he can't stop dancing at all said Seiya trying to stay away from him. Wow! said Serena in a surprised look. I'm so happy I'm so happy said Yaten still dancing. Ok, stop please Yaten oh right? said Seiya trying to clam down his friend. Man I can't wait to tell our princess said Yaten starting to run home as fast as he can. Yaten wait up! said Seiya trying to stop him. But Yaten didn't stop at all, he was gone. Man, if Crystal finds out what Yaten really is, oh man I don't want to think about it said Seiya trying to explain to Serena and Darien. Man, I all most forgot, Yaten is not always a guy on earth said Serena in a forgetting look. Man Dumpling you forgot said Seiya in a puzzling look. Well sometimes my head forgets a little said Serena in an embarrassed look. Man Serena, do you remember anything? asked Darien rubbing his head. Sorry Darien said Serena hugging him. I love you Serena said Darien in a happy look. I love you too Darien said Serena in a happy look too. Ok, ok I must go now so see Ya later Darien and Dumpling said Seiya walking away. See Ya later Seiya said Serena waving to him. So Serena I have to go too ok said Darien in a hurry. Ok Darien, I will wait for you said Serena starring into his eyes. So they started to kiss and they said good bye to each other. Mean while Yaten is still dancing on the street until he saw Luna, Artemis and Diana, so he stopped dancing and talked to them. Hey Luna, Artemis and Diana, how are you doing? asked Yaten in a wondering look. Well we are trying to find the golden heart pictures, but we haven't found anything yet said Luna. We are trying to find out about this Sailor Comet, but still nothing said Artemis in a wondering look too. But still this is a lot of fun said Diana in a happy look. Diana! said Luna and Artemis in a serious voice. What did I say? asked Diana in a wondering look. It is ok, Diana doesn't know any better, she just a little kitten said Yaten starting to laugh hard. So anyways, we are still looking for the answer said Luna still serious. So we must go back to work Luna, said Artemis going home. May I stay here with Yaten? asked Diana in a wondering look. You may daughter said Luna and Artemis in a proud look. So Luna and Artemis went home to find more answer about the golden heart pictures and Sailor Comet, Yaten and Diana stayed behind. So Diana what do you want to do today said Yaten in a wondering look. Can we go to the play grounds please? asked Diana in a happy look. Ok, we can go to the play grounds said Yaten in a happy look too. Hoary! said Diana in a proud look. So Yaten and Diana went to the play grounds to play for a day. When they got to the play grounds they saw Crystal swinging on the swing set. So they went over there and Yaten said Hey Little! Crystal looked up and saw Yaten standing over her and she said Hello Kidult and Diana, then went looking back at the ground again. What is it Little? asked Yaten in a wondering look and Diana went meow at Crystal. You really don't want to know Kidult and Diana said Crystal still looking down. I though we are boyfriend and girlfriend said Yaten in a wondering look. We are boyfriend and girlfriend said Crystal getting off the swing set. Just we have a big secrets from each other Kidult, I want to know you more, but some secrets are bad to tell, grabbing Yaten's hand and starring into his eyes. There is a big secret I really want to tell you the most, but I'm afraid you will reject me for who I'm said Yaten in a worried look. Meow said Diana. Oh sorry Diana I forgot about you said Crystal scratching behind Diana's ears. I'm afraid you will reject me too, but I still love you no matter what Kidult said Crystal going to kiss Yaten on the lips. So Yaten moved a little closer to Crystal to kiss her, until a new enemy showed up again to ruin people's life's. The enemy is a big ugly rat. Little! Take Diana to a safe place, run away and hide said Yaten trying to protect her. But Kidult! said Crystal grabbing Diana out of his hand, still behind him. Run now Crystal! said Yaten still protecting her. So Crystal, ran as fast as she can, to put Diana in a safe place, on the play grounds. Stay here Diana, I will be back! said Crystal So Diana stayed at the play grounds, and Crystal transform behind the slide. Comet Power! said Crystal in a hurry. Well, I see a man with a good heart said the enemy looking at Yaten. Try to catch me said Yaten grabbing his broach, in his pocket. Oh! We will see said the enemy with a big grin on his face. It was silent no birds were sing, no people were talking, it was to quiet, Yaten was still starring at the enemy, the enemy was still starring at Yaten too. It was still silent, until Yaten got his broach and almost said it, then the enemy ran up to him and knocked it out of his hand, and said I got you good. He wrapped his arm around Yaten's body, there is nothing you can do! If I get my broach I will transform into Sailor Star Healer said Yaten starring at his broach. Now let me see your heart said the enemy putting his hand on top of Yaten's chest and started to get the picture heart out of him. Yaten started to scream and said someone help me please, in a scared voice. The enemy got Yaten's heart and dropped him on the ground and the enemy said it is still the not the right heart picture, man two golden hearts in the whole galaxy, and we can't find one, all we can find is the red hearts on earth, in an anger voice. So the enemy tossed the heart into the air and saw a black glare pass right by him. Who are you? asked the enemy in a wondering look. I'm the protector of the inner and outer solar system I'm Sailor Comet in a serious voice and got Yaten's heart, in her hand. Man, you are a big pain in the butt said the enemy in a serious voice too. They are starring at each other, until they heard snapping fingers. No one will steal a persons heart said a serious voice. No evil will get the golden heart said another serious voice. Sailor Star Fighter, Sailor Star Maker, Sailor Starlights stage on shouting at him. Sailor Starlights! Please save him said Sailor Comet in a scared look. I will go get Yaten, you distract the enemy said Sailor Star Fighter talking to Sailor Star Maker. Ok I will distract him said Sailor Star Maker getting ready to move. Go! said Sailor Star Fighter in a hurry. So Sailor Star Maker distracted the enemy and Sailor Star Fighter carried Yaten to a nice safe place. Where is his heart? asked Sailor Star Fighter in a wondering look. I got it said Sailor Comet coming down the roof tops and landing next to Yaten's body. Quickly! Put the heart back into his body said Sailor Star Fighter scared for her friend. So Sailor Comet put the heart back into Yaten's body, when he opened his eyes he saw Sailor Star Fighter and Sailor Comet next to him and said where am I? You are in the play grounds said Sailor Comet trying to explain to him. Where is my girlfriend and Diana the kitten? asked Yaten in a wondering look. Your girlfriend and the kitten are ok said Sailor Comet in a straight face. Thank you Sailor Comet said Yaten trying to get up. Your welcome said Sailor Comet in a happy look. You must go to a safe place said Sailor Star Fighter in a serious voice. Ok, I will go said Yaten starting to run away. We must help Sailor Star Maker said Sailor Star Fighter looking at her friend. Let me handle it said Sailor Comet getting her blade ready. Sailor Star Maker is still fighting the enemy, but the enemy was just playing around. Glade Steel! said Sailor Comet throwing it, like a boomerang. OW! said the enemy in pain. You cut my arm. Well next time don't hurt a family member said Sailor Comet in a serious voice. Sailor Starlights do it now! Star Serious Laser! said Sailor Star Fighter. Star Gentle Uterus! said Sailor Star Maker. I'm being destroyed said the enemy. So the black smoke disappeared and the enemy turned back into a rat. So Sailor Comet disappeared again, Yaten came back, grabbed his broach off the ground, put it in his pocket and said where is Sailor Comet? In a wondering look. She disappeared again said Seiya looking at the sky. So the enemy knocked your broach out of your hand said Taiki in a wondering look. Yes the enemy knocked it out of my hand, I was trying to transform said Yaten explaining to Taiki. Ok, I was wondering said Taiki in a serious voice. Hey Kidult! said a mystery girl's voice. The Three Lights looked around and saw Crystal holding Diana in her hand. Hey Little! said Yaten very happy to see her again. Kidult are you ok? asked Crystal in a worried look. Yes I'm ok Little, the Sailor Scouts saved me said Yaten in a happy look. Thank God said Crystal in a relieved voice. Diana went meow and meow. Here you go Diana said Crystal giving Yaten the kitten. Thank God, Little protected you said Yaten still happy and hugging Diana. Well I must go now, so see Ya later said Crystal walking away. Bye Little said Yaten waving good bye. Bye Crystal said Seiya and Taiki waving her good bye too. So Yaten, said Seiya in a teasing look. What is it Seiya? asked Yaten in wondering look. I want to know, do you love the kiss? asked Seiya still teasing. You kissed her! said Taiki and Diana in a surprised look. Well Little kissed me first said Yaten trying to explain to Taiki and Diana. Wow! said Taiki in a shocked look. So do you love the kiss? asked Diana in a wondering look. The Three Lights just starred at Diana and started to laugh hard. What did I say? asked Diana still wondering. I'm sorry Diana, we forget you are still a kitten said Seiya still laughing. Let me take you home Diana said Yaten starting to walk. So Yaten took Diana home, Seiya and Taiki went home too.

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