Sailor Moon Sailor Stars Return

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Chapter Nine

Next day everybody was talking about Sailor Comet sacrificing her life to save the whole galaxy. Man she is really going to sacrifice her life? asked Serena in a worried look. Well she say she will in order to save the planets, stars and the whole galaxy said The Three Lights in a serious voice. But there must be another way said Serena in a serious voice too. If there is another way all of us will find it said The Three Lights. So let us go to school said Taiki in a hurry. Man are you in that in that much of a hurry Taiki? asked Serena in a wondering look. Well Amy and I have a reputation at school said Taiki as he started walking to school. So you and Amy are the smart ones said Serena in a teasing look. I have to go now said Taiki running to school. Man he likes his reputation said Serena still teasing. Ok Dumpling that is enough said Seiya in a serious voice. Well alright I will stop it said Serena with a little smile. So let us go to school now said Yaten he is getting board. Ok let us go said Serena not as excited. So they went to school, got to the classroom and sat down. Hey guys what is up? asked the mystery girl's voice. Everybody looked around and saw Crystal in a glad look. Hey Crystal what is up? asked everybody in a curious look. Well I heard the owner who runs the fashion show is giving out free tours said Crystal in a happy mood. Really? asked the gals in excited look. The Three Lights just sighed. So let us go said Mina in a hurry. Well you can't go in with out a tickets said Crystal with a smile. So where are the tickets? asked the gals impatiently. You have to stand in line in front of the fashion show and they will give you a ticket said Crystal trying to explain. So we must stand in line said Serena in a excited look. You better hurry up it will end at 3 O'clock said Crystal. Alright said the gals in really excited voice. I will bet you gals will not get the tickets said Seiya in a teasing look. Very funny Seiya we will get the tickets said Mina and Serena in a mad look. Ok, ok sorry said Seiya in a scared look. So the school ended and the gals ran to the fashion show but the tickets were sold out. No, no, no this can't be happing said Mina in a disappointed look. I'm so sorry I know you wanted to see the fashion show said The Three Lights in a very sorry look. Man why is this always happening to me said Mina still sad. Well we don't know but I bet the tickets will come out tomorrow said Seiya trying to cheer up Mina. I hope you are right said Mina in a hoping look. Hey guys did you get the tickets? asked Crystal in a wondering look. No we didn't we came here to late said Mina in a sad look. Well cheer up you know a person who works in there said Crystal trying to cheer up Mina. So are you going to let me in? asked Mina in a hoping look. Yes I will and bring your friends too please said Crystal in a glad look. I will said Mina in a very happy look. So Mina ran fast as she could to find her friends. Man she is a speeding bullet said Crystal in a surprised look. Yes she is said The Three Lights in a shocked look. Well you made her happy Little said Yaten in a glad look. Yes I did Kidult well I'll see Ya tomorrow said Crystal walking away. Well see Ya tomorrow said The Three Lights. So the next day everybody went to the fashion show I mean everybody even Amara. She doesn't like fashion clothes at all. Why did you have to bring me here? asked Amara in an anger look. Well it is a shame to waste a good ticket said Michelle in a teasing look. At less you are having fun said Yaten in a teasing look too. Very, very funny said Amara in an growling voice. Ok, ok I get the message don't bite my head off said Yaten in a scared look. Hi everybody, nice of you to come to the fashion show said Crystal in a really happy look. Man girl you have a nice job and I wish I could work here said Trista in a sad look. Well I can ask my boss, if he wants you to work for him, you first must have a resume. Give it to me and I will hand it to him said Crystal trying to help Trista. Ok I will write the resume said Trista trying not to get her hopes high. Hey Dude if you want to leave go ahead nobody will be against you. said Crystal moving to one side to let her leave. I think I will stay said Amara in a scared look. All right but go if you want to said Crystal trying to be a good friend. The tour will now begin said the announcement. Well I have to go back to work I will see Ya guys and gals later said Crystal in a happy mood. Ok we'll see Ya in the tour said everyone waving Crystal good bye. Well everybody please form a line and we will start the tour said the announcer. So everybody went in lines of two and walked in the halls. Man I can't believe how big it is said Trista with her big mouth open. Well close your mouth you will let the flies in said Amara trying to amuse herself. Very funny Amara you just hate the fashion show so knock it off said Trista in an anger look. Ok, ok I'm sorry said Amara in a scared look. Hey did someone bring two cats and one kitten into the building? asked the announcer. Ah oh said Serena, Mina and Rini in an embarrassed look. Did you bring your cats into the building? asked everyone in a surprised look. Well just say the cats have to go with us everyday said Serena still embarrassed. So everybody looked for the cats all over the fashion building and found the cats with Crystal. Hey guys why did you bring your cats? asked Crystal in a curious look. So sorry Crystal said Serena in a very sorry look. So Serena, Mina and Rini grabbed their cats. Well I'm so sorry Crystal I hope is not going to be a bad day for you said Serena still sorry. Well it is ok everybody needs a new adventure for a day said Crystal with a smile. Ok get the cats out of here! said the announcer in a mad look. We are so sorry said Serena, Mina and Rini in a sad look. Leave your cats at home where they belong said the announcer. Ok said everyone in a scared look. Well the cats can stay here in my office said Crystal trying to cheer up the girls. No, no cats allowed in this building at all said the announcer stall mad. The cats will stay here said Crystal in a serious voice. All right the cats can stay in your office if they get out, you and the cats will be out of the building said the announcer in a serious voice too. Ok deal said Crystal still serious. You will be sorry said the announcer with a little smile. So she walked away from Crystal's office. Man she is not a good women said Seiya in a mad look. It is ok I'm use to it said Crystal in a growling voice. So we better take the cats home said Serena in a sad look. No the cats will stay here in my office said Crystal hoping that the cats will stay. We don't want you to get in trouble said Serena. It is ok I like a little company said Crystal scratching Luna's head. Ok if you want to said Serena in a confused look. So Serena, Mina and Rini left their cats in Crystal's office. Thank you I will make sure the cats will be ok said Crystal in a happy look. So they went to see the rest of the show and Crystal played with the cats all day. Man I still don't like this at all said Amara in an anger look. Man, can you enjoy yourself and stop the complaining? said everybody in a growling voice. Sorry said Amara in a scared look. When the tour is over Amara was so excited she almost ran out the door but Michelle still has her arm. Can you please let me go home now? asked Amara in a hurry. No not yet first we have to get the cats said Michelle with a big grin on her face. All right said Amara trying to get out of here. So Serena, Mina and Rini went to Crystal's office until someone screamed so they turned around and went back the way they came in. They ran, ran and saw the announcer was caught in the enemy's trap. The enemy looked like a fox. We must transform said Serena in a hurry. Right said Mina and Rini in a hurry too. Moon Eternal Power! said Serena. Venus Crystal Power! said Mina. and Moon Cosmic Dream Action! said Rini. The enemy got the announcer's heart and she said man all the hearts in the earth and we still can't find the golden heart. Stop right there said a serious girl's voice. Who are you? asked the enemy in a curious look. I bring love and justice I'm Sailor Moon, I'm Sailor Venus and I'm Sailor Mini Moon. In the name of the moon we will punish you said Sailor Moon. So what you gals will not stop me said the enemy in a happy look. So the enemy heard snapping fingers. Who is there? asked the enemy in a curious voice. No one will steal a persons heart said a serious voice. No evil will get the golden heart said another serious voice. No evil will rule the world said another different serious voice. Sailor Star Fighter, Sailor Star Maker, Sailor Star Healer, Sailor Starlights stage on shouting at her. So you can't stop the Chaos said the enemy in a serious voice too. So we'll catch the heart. So she tossed the heart in the air everybody tried to catch it until Sailor Venus caught it and put it back into the announcer's body. So the enemy almost went to the back door until a red rose stopped her in her tracks. Who is there? asked the enemy in a curious voice. No enemy will not go and disappearing on the Sailor Scouts said Tuxedo Mask in a serious voice. So what, you, your family and friends will not be safe said the enemy in a glad look. The planets, stars and the whole galaxy will be saved said Tuxedo Mask still serious. Ya right your world will be destroyed said the enemy in a serious voice. So she raised her arm at Tuxedo Mask trying to destroyed him until a blade cut her arm right off. OW my arm said the enemy in pain. Who did that? I did said a mystery girl's voice. Who is there? asked the enemy still in pain. I'm the protector of the inner and outer solar system I'm Sailor Comet in a serious voice and jumping off the wall. So what your galaxy will be gone said the enemy. No the galaxy will not be gone Sailor Moon do it now! said Sailor Comet in a hurry. Right! said Sailor Moon in a serious voice. Sliver Moon! Crystal Power Kiss! I'm being destroyed said the enemy. So the black smoke disappeared and the enemy turned back into a fox. Man I like to know where Sailor Comet went? asked the Sailor Starlights in a curious voice. Don't know but we will help her no matter what said Sailor Moon still serious. Oh my! the cats said Sailor Venus in a worried look. Of course, we need the cats said Serena in a forgotten look. So they went to Crystal's office to get the cats. They knocked on the door and Crystal said come right in. Hey Crystal are the cats being nice to you? asked everybody in a curious voice. Oh your cats are good to me said Crystal in a happy look. Well come on Luna said Serena in a hurry, come on Artemis said Mina in a hurry too and come on Diana said Rini. Meow said the cats walking to them. So they scooped up the cats and went home. Half way there Luna said what happened? Well just say the enemy tried to get the heart said Serena explaining to Luna. So did you guys see Crystal? asked Artemis in a curious voice. What do you mean? asked Yaten in a curious voice too. Well she said to us, stay here I will be back said Diana in a serious voice. Where did she go? asked Amara in a wondering look. We don't know said the cats in a wondering look too. You think she might be Sailor Comet said Hotaru in a curious look. I hope not said Yaten hoping Crystal is not Sailor Comet. Yaten we know you have a bad crush on her but just be careful said Michelle in a serious voice. Let us not worry about it said Serena in a glum look. Yes she did give us free tickets said Darien wrapping his arm around Serena's shoulder. So let us go home said Rini getting tired. Ok Rini we will go home said Serena in a smile look. Chibi Chibi just yawned and said Chibi Chibi in a tired voice. So Darien scooped up Chibi Chibi and carried her all the way to Serena's house.

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